0 to 1000 Twitter followers, step by step with a free Notion table


I recently reached 1000 followers on Twitter

It was quite frustrating:) But I believe I could have sped up the process by doing some stuff differently at the beginning, and wasted less time...

I made a notion table with actionable items and step to follow.

I believe by following these 9 points, you should grow to 1000 followers at a nice speed,

I'm not a Twitter expert or anything, whatever that even means, however, these things seem to work for me at least!
I'm open to feedback!

The free notion template 👉: https://devvnomad.gumroad.com/l/reach-1000-followers


  1. 2

    to be honest, it's way better than what I've expected ... the only thing I'm wondering with "getting followers/traffic" is the quality ... thanks for sharing!

    there are many Twitter ppl that are doing a crazy good job, building products and sharing quality content, but they are "under the radar" ... they don't show up in any audience analytics tools like Sparktoro, which means they gather a smaller audience but it has a really high quality

    1. 1

      Thanks for your feedback!
      Yes the quality is important, otherwise buying followers on Fiverr would have the same result;)
      But also I believe it's hard to convince others to follow you when you have less than 1000 followers and to have any visibility actually
      I didn't know Sparktoro, looks nice!

  2. 1

    The question is what you do with the 1000 followers, can you monetize them?

    1. 1

      Well yes, if your niche is well-targeted and you are selling something for that niche, soon or later you will get that audience to be interested by your product/channel/blog whatever you are making

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