Please roast my Chrome Extension

👋, Okay so I finally published my project

Yes! it is yet another TODO task app 🙈 - but with a little twist,

which works well for folks like me with ADHD

I would highly appreciate any suggestions to make it better

Today's Task 👇


  1. 1

    Hey, I've just installed your extension.

    1. At the first screen I see: Go to "Update Task" to add your tasks. Maybe it's better to call the action button "Add Task" or "Create Task"
    2. After I've add new task, I don't see you extension screen in the new window. I've tried to disable/enable your extension, but still no luck. Unfortunately can't continue exploring you extension.

    Hope this will help you

    1. 1

      Hey thank you so much for the feedback.

      For #2 - can you please elaborate.

      I tried reinstalling the extension from a fresh profile and I followed your steps - but I am able to correctly see the extension on my new tab every time I create a new tab.

      Am I missing something?

      Did you by chance click the options "Disable for 2hours"

      Please do let me know as I am really hoping to improve the UX for my users.

      1. 1

        Unfortunately, this time I can't reproduce it either.

        But this time, while testing, I found another issue. I create multiple tasks and go to Today's Tas and click Done, but I still see the same task even if I refresh the page.

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