I asked Reddit what their biggest growth challenges were. Here are 3 of the best responses.

I did a free growth audit AMA on r/SaaS and got a few founders sharing their startups' links and what their biggest growth challenges were. (Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/SaaS/comments/1awoeud/whats_your_biggest_growth_challenge/)

Here are the 3 of my favourites

SafeTalk.space - Vertical SaaS for mental health professionals

“Problem with growth: onboarding new users. During november/december we got many leads(many for this niche + where we are based) reaching out and requesting for a demo. It's was almost like 1 or two leads per week. But not a single one converted to an actual customer until today.

When i follow up with them, half do not reply emails/messages.

Potential issues that could cause this(assumptions only)

  1. Our onboarding is too complicated
  2. The product message on the website does not match the demo content

The sample size is kind of too small to make any hard conclusions as well, but i have kind of been going crazy, figuring out what could be the issue.”


Onboarding was too complicated as it required scheduling a demo.

Ideally with nontechy people, you want something self serve and lean on product led growth. Check out how Scout does this for dog walkers. No demo in sight.

What I recommend you do is remove the request demo part.

BUT if they indicate they're part of an organisation, you can tailor your onboarding flow and welcome sequence to encourage them to sign up for a demo. It'd be better if you add another field on how many therapists that way you can limit demos to really high value clients.

Your onboarding IMO is also a bit confusing. I just land on the dashboard where I see zero clients and it's a bit cluttered. Maybe consider a quick start onboarding flow that forces them through the profile completion and get to their AHA moment faster. Again check out how Scout does it.

Result: They seem to have implemented this recommendation already as now the Demo is optional.

Coresonate.com - Group Accountability for Entrepreneurs

I am putting the finishing touches on our platform, coresonate.com. We built this beautiful platform and now wondering how we get testers. Where should we go fishing?

Accountability would be an easy sell here on this sub (r/SaaS) if you make a good post and on Indie Hackers.

Also be on the lookout for people talking about "now what?" "burnt out" "how to stay accountable" on this and other entrepreneur subs. You can check out F5Bot for Reddit keyword monitoring.

Also consider building a Discord community you can funnel into this? I was part of the one mentioned in this Reddit post. Try to replicate their post.

Also - that Discord is actually inactive. I can reach out to the Discord mod for you and ask them to promote you.

You can find other accountability Discord channels and try to convince the mod to promote you OR pay for that on getwildfire.gg who specialises in connecting brands with Discord communities for a minimum of I think $5,000.

WorksApp.com - Jira for Marketers

Getting customers! Spending a lot of time on product and marketing while also trying to do sales outreach.

We're using Apollo and LinkedIn for sales pitching with limited success. Perhaps we should do more manual outreach but again, time. Meanwhile the Marketing e.g X, email etc isn't adding any customers but is at least helping drive traffic to our website.

Potentially introduce freemium instead of free trial. Alternative to this would be Trello which has a free plan. This might increase your sign up rates then have to double down on your free-to-paid conversion rates via prompts, notifications, feature gating, etc.

BuiltWith says you have Hotjar, have you looked at session recordings and heatmaps to see how they behave on the site?

Are they clicking "free trial" and dropping off in the pricing page? You could potentially skip the pricing page and just go straight to reg and sign them up to the top plan or the lowest plan.

In terms of driving traffic there's a decent amount of search volume for "marketing project management" and low keyword difficulty.

I would fix your SEO score. Google "SEO grader" and these free tools will tell you what you need to do. You can check this one I had done for you with SiteImprove score for Works App

While you get SEO sorted, according to Google Keyword Planner you can bid as low as $3 for "marketing project management tools" so I would definitely test Google Ads

Drop a link to your SaaS and a brief description of your biggest growth challenge and I’ll give you free growth advice.

Bit about me - ex-Skyscanner, and ex-Head of Growth. To get an idea of the type of audits I can give, check out my newsletter aarrraudits.com.

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