🥳 First Paying Customer for my new SaaS!

  1. 2

    Congrats and keep up the consistency.

  2. 2

    Now you need to scale it to 1000 customers.

    Focus on your first users and learn from them what you can improve. Once the product became good enough it will much much easer. Good luck!!

  3. 2

    Congrats, Mike!

    I had the same feeling a couple of days ago, and it's amazing!

    Keep going!

    1. 1

      Congratz as well then haha :)

  4. 2

    What is your product?

  5. 1

    Congrats! It is always special for first-paying customers.

  6. 1

    Awesome news! It always feels amazing to get that first paying customer.

  7. 1

    Congrats man. Keep up the good work

  8. 1

    Congratulations :-) First users are the best always)

  9. 1

    Sir, I have checked your product and I can say landing looks insane. But I would suggest you to write how you do it next to "The smartest & easiest way to collect user feedback". After spending some minutes and demo I could understand how to use it and how makes it happen. I hope my feedback will help you and congrats about gaining your first customer!

    1. 1

      Oh! Good one! Will do 👌

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