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How Signups Grew 4x by Making It Invite-Only

A few weeks back, we quietly launched our app to family and friends, hoping to see some traction. We had a few signups (they didn't have any choice!), but engagement was lukewarm at best.

Exactly one week ago, I read this article that had a few ideas for marketing, one of which is pushing the exclusivity of the app.

In a couple of hours we restricted signups to only allow those with invite codes to signup, and then invited a few more friends, and the buzz was instantaneous. Restricting the number of invite codes that each user has to 2, meant that they were more thoughtful about how they wanted to share them. The question is no longer "should I share this", but instead "who should I share this with". (There were of course a fair few number of users who didn't share at all).

It's been less than a week, but this initial boost to signups has been interesting to see. Hope to share a better update in a week!

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    Not sure if I'm allowed to post them here, but here's four invite codes for Glow 👀


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