How I Broked A Self Posting Instagram Account?

Hello, I am Uğur KILCI, I'm constantly doing indie hacker projects. I created a self-posting Instagram account 3 years ago. It was downloading, editing, tagging, and sharing pictures of certain categories. It was doing it all himself.

I was studying graphic design at university. It was a design-oriented Instagram account. It was called "Tasarım Nedir?". So, "What is Design?" (https://instagram.com/tasarimnedir)

All system was working on Instagram API and PHP. My biggest mistake was using a "follow app". Then the account started to go broke. My interaction started to drop.

And boom!
Instagram changed its API.

Then the system did not work. Oh, my Instagram! Can this be done to us? 😞

I have developed more than 600 projects so far. Now I produce at least 1 new project every month. My last project was "Notion Landing Page Template (https://www.producthunt.com/posts/notion-landing-page-template-13856d86-dcb2-456d-ae6d-0445ea6011c3)".

I share my new projects from my newsletter (https://www.getrevue.co/profile/ugurkilci). I offer special privileges to my newsletter subscribers in my projects. Don't forget to subscribe. And now I share my memories on Indie Hackers. Don't forget to follow me on Indie Hackers.

Thank you.

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    Instagram is Garbage with their API. It's super Hard to get your Application Approved.
    And since they use React there is no way of "scrapping" the Page.
    A few years back I've developed a Smart scrapping app that would download, like and store images from instagram. But it's no longer maintained.

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      If Instagram invests in this area, maybe it can achieve very powerful things. But this is Instagram. 🤷‍♂️

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