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How to Make Investors Love You

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    Here is the summary:

    The author is an investor, things he wished to know when he was pitching:

    1. Make a beautiful deck (showing high-potential)
    2. Research about the inverstor before hand (recent deal, blogs, concern)
    3. Outline the meeting agenda and effectively manage the schedule (look professional)
    4. Start with a relate story (help the investor get familiar)
    5. Check-in during conversation (make sure he understand)
    6. E,brace silence to allow investor process the information between answers
    7. Ask for advice that you need
    8. Don't be defensive, but ask question to understand
    9. Admit when you dont know
    10. Follow up with a summary (bullet points, 35 words max)

    Investors are humans too. At the end of the day people won’t remember what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel

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