Podcast Platform

I'm starting a podcast. What is the best platform?

  1. 5

    Hey @smartgirlcredit! We have tons of indie hackers who have started a podcast on Transistor.fm, including:

    You can see them all here:

    1. 2

      Thanks. Will check it out.

      1. 2

        While you're at it, check out @mijustin's blog as well: https://justinjackson.ca

        He writes amazing articles about bootstrapping companies.

    2. 1

      That's an amazing list, Justin.

      Curious to know if podcasters would be interested in a tech integration or monetization option where they can connect with their listeners 1-on-1.

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      Thanks for having us for all these years. It's been fun watching Transistor go from strength to strength.

  2. 3

    We've been using https://transistor.fm/ for years now. Never had a single problem with it and it feels good to back a sustainable & independent company.

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    MYM ist eine neue Premium-Website, die es dir ermöglicht deine Bilder gegen eine monatliche oder jährliche Gebühr einer großen Community anzubieten. Falls du selbst keine Bilder zum Verkauf hast, sondern als Besucher gerne eine große Anzahl von exklusiven Fotos zur Auswahl hättest, dann laden wir dich ein MYM Fan zu werden und dich auf dieser französischen Website zu registrieren.

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    If you are interested, I have built a podcast transcription service. Then you can use it to generate show notes, episode titles & descriptions. And additionally generate promotional emails, social media posts, and blog posts.

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        There is no landing page yet. This is the link to the home page https://easy-peasy.ai.

        I tweeted about it here https://twitter.com/olefyrenko/status/1606326959599804416

        Let me know if you have any feedback. Merry Christmas!

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          Will check it out. Thanks and congrats.

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            Thank you! If you need anything special, please let me know I can add it.

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    I record on Riverside, edit on Descript and distribute on Acast

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      Wow, sounds like a lot of work. How much time does that take you? Just looking for something easy since I don't have an audience yet. I will check out the tools, thanks.

  6. 1

    Anchor.fm. It's free and it's part of Spotify.

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      This is the route we went as well. In addition to being free, it was easy to setup distribution to other podcast platforms.

  7. 1

    Podimo? What's the podcast about?

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      It will be about decentralized social.

      1. 1

        Sounds interesting! I'd love to learn more.

        1. 2

          I write a newsletter. You can see it at www.smartgirlcredit.com

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