Digital nomad vs freelancer vs remote worker vs entrepreneur: How do you identify yourself when talking about you work and life?

I've recently taken to the term "independent professional" as a synonym for 'freelancer' —which I've never liked as a way of identifying myself.

I think mostly because my generation looked at freelancing as 'lesser than" having full time employment. It was seen as a place holder for getting a "real job". It never dawned on people that perhaps someone might prefer to freelance or be on their own for a variety of lifestyle reasons- so I've always bristled at the term because of how people judged me.

The same can be said for "digital nomad". Coming up if you were a nomad that was a bad thing. I mean— I came up pre-airbnb, and mobile phones weren't a big deal yet, so being a nomad meant you were homeless- not a good look.

it seems like we're living with COVID now and "remote" work will become the norm, which is ironic because "Digital nomads" are accustomed to working remotely and freelancing in order to live their lifestyle. This also means that there is a whole generation of companies that will start up fully remote. so does that mean that we can also be entrepreneurs?— not because we werent already, but simply because our environment and circumstances have made it acceptable.

I'm curious to know how you identify eg introduce, or describe yourself and why you chose to live and work the way you do?

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