I built a Wes Anderson inspired slack theme site on the weekend #️⃣🟨🟥

Hey Indie Hackers!

Hoping everyone had a great father's day weekend and that this week gets off to a good start.

For any Wes Anderson fans on here, I hacked together a little website for Wes Anderson inspired slack themes this weekend (wesanderslack.com)

Posted it to Product Hunt today as well so if any of you are so inclined, I would love some feedback and support.

Share it with your teams!

Upvotes are appreciated 👇

Site was built in Webflow using 100% Google Fonts and deployed with AWS.

This was a super fun little project and I hope it brings some delight to your Monday morning/afternoon/night :)

Let me know what you think!

  1. 2

    I love it! Wes Andersons' style is so unique and fleshed out. You did a great job transplanting it into webdesign! ☄️

    1. 1

      Hey Jonas, thanks so much! It was definitely a challenge but I'm pleased with the end result.

  2. 2

    I love it to the Mon and back! So nice stuff!

    1. 2

      Thanks so much, Michael! 🌎🔁🌙

  3. 2

    This is sooo cool. Are you designer ?! How long does it took to build this ?

    1. 2

      Thanks so much, hmpark! I am a designer, yes.

      It was a fairly quick build and a bit organic to be honest. From what I had originally planned to what I could feasibly implement in the time I had ( and what you see now) was very different.

      Ultimately I'm very happy with the end result. For example, adding the grain and the black bars was something that came to me an hour before launching. And curtains were added on a whim.

      I wanted to add as many elements as I could think of to make it feel very Wes-like.

      Glad you enjoy it, let me know if you have any other questions!

      1. 2

        I visited your instagram, so impressed! Such an artist. I'm so happy to see a creator like you on indiehacker cus I thought there were so many sass people here. I make stuff like you too. I'll share mine's soon! (I can't publish posts cus I am almost new to indiehackers haha)

        1. 1

          whoooah, hmpark. Thank you!

          Looking forward to seeing your stuff.

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