False decisions Vol. 1: We did decide wrong with Impact Incubator.

How do you react if a self declared “Impact Incubator” names your product as executed with a software tool of him that was not even existing the days you worked with them. Besides, they delivered us with a not-ready, non-smartphone-tested, delayed something-software.
Contractually agreed: speed up time to market with our APP. We kindly asked the guys to either test the software on their phones at least once, solve the issues, or return the money, but they only answered that they do not feel responsible.
As an impact start-up, it is hard enough to compete, and we will not be quiet as the vulnerability of people putting their hearts into their ideas is too precious to us. To be honest we do not want to waste energy on this anymore but would like to stop them for harvesting on those starting up for good.
How about your experience? Do you know any place we can provide our willingness to talk about the Impact Incubator and their service?

posted to
Social Entrepreneurship
on November 3, 2020
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