Gamifying education

We have seen companies like Quizup become super viral but eventually died down. Is real gamification possible in school/academic learning? If you could gamify education, what would it look like?

I'm building something in the education assessment space and would love to hear your thoughts on how it can be gamified.

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    This is timely. To help my younger brother learn spreadsheets I built an interactive spreadsheet learning platform.

    As @api42 said I believe the best way to learn is by doing. So I created this so I could asynchronously teach my brother.

    Also, I don't believe it is shortlived. Codecademy, Khanacademy and Free code Camp have all built interactive courses. I believe all of them are seen as traditionally successful.

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      This is really cool Jonathan. 🙌

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    The best way to learn anything is by doing it. I also like the idea of microschools.

    If I were to gamify the education - I would gamify it from the core to top:
    The school - physical or virtual will look and work like a video game.

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    Great question @joshpdfkit

    Issue is so many people think gamification as a gimmick and try to implement it (mostly point, badges, progress bar) without understanding true principle behind them.

    Gamification is so fundamental in design that it should always work if implemented properly.

    In education space, I like what Synthesis https://www.synthesis.is/ is doing.

    I'm predicting that future of education will look and feel like a game. It will be highly interactive and entertaining.

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      Bingo! Gamification != badges and progress bars.

      Also, Synthesis looks fantastic. I will read more about them. Thanks, @api42

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        Feel free to ask more, I am always up for conversation on this topic. Will help as well.

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          Is there any ideas to teach programming through Gamification

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    Interesting...I would like to work on this combination...too!
    QuizUp has been my inspiration too..
    I checked landing page of epicexams as you have posted.
    More edtech than gamification. I want to work in Gamification more...Education less.

    But good to find such alternatives being made to exam regime.
    Good Luck!

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