The Best Premium Tailwind CSS Templates & Components

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    I started with Tailwind UI and Tails but felt like every website today looks all the same because of Tailwind (haha).

    I decided to create my own system on top of these and I'd say it's been working great so far!

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      Just remember as an indiehacker, your view of the web is likely very different than your customers (depending on your target audience).

      Tailwind is still a super small percentage of the web.

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        Good advice. I often forget, that I live in a bubble 😅

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      That’s not because of Tailwind actually. It’s because many indie hackers and developers use TailwindUI and the default “Inter” styles. It’s porter easy to break away from those common design styles and fonts. That’s why if you know how to customize your Tailwind design system, you’ll be a step ahead of everyone else.

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      yeah that's one thing I noticed people tell me, everything looks the same

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    I've been using TailwindUI for my latest project and I have been so so happy with them. Everything looks beautiful and is so well documented, and there's a massive variety of components.

    It is a bit pricey, but I think it's been worth it.

    Take a look - www.sponsaurus.com

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      I'm curious, did they already release the native React components for TailwindUI?

      At some point, I remember that they had instructions about how to integrate those with React, but had plans to release ready-made components.

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        hey! yep, on the tailwindui site they have options for plain html, react and vue components - https://tailwindui.com/preview - each of the mini previews has a little selector in the top right to choose between them.

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          So now it's even more valuable than before!
          Thanks for letting me know. I'll surely look at it again for my new project.

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            Yeah, it just keeps getting better and better. I mentioned in another comment that the TailwindCSS and TailwindUI teams are super active, and constantly releasing new features and updates.
            That's a big part of why I feel comfortable switching to them and using them, because I feel like they're going to be around for a while.

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              Yes, Adam & his team are doing a stellar job; they're not faking it ;-)

              Tailwind & the surrounding products are clearly a safe bet for the coming years.

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      TailwindUI looks really nice. But I am curious, have you used Bootstrap? How does Tailwind compare to bootstrap?

      I checked out Tailwind but it seems like a lot of work. It looks like you have to implement most things on your own. It looks great if you want a custom css. But for quicker things it feels like Bootstrap is nice or Bulma if you want something way lighter. Or am I missing something? I am trying to understand the hype around Tailwind especially for someone like me that is not a full time designer but I am constantly throwing up landing pages, product pages, dashboards etc.

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        The resource that the parent comment linked to is TailwindUI. You may have been looking at Tailwind CSS, the framework that TailwindUI is built on. TailwindUI essentially allows you to copy and paste a bunch of code into components (either React/some templating language), and is really pretty easy to set up IF you are familiar with React/some templating language. IME it gets a bit messy if you are just using straight HTML/CSS/JS, in which case if you're optimizing for speed Bootstrap is almost certainly better.

        Having used Bootstrap, Foundation, and Tailwind (with or without Tailwind UI) in the past I can safely say I feel faster with Tailwind by a significant margin. They have completely nailed the developer experience (again, provided your tooling is set up properly). I would personally feel fine throwing up something quickly with Tailwind and then allowing that to turn into a more custom theme if the product matures, whereas I'm not sure I'd do the same with the other more opinionated frameworks.

        It really sounds like you're not missing much for your use case though. If you like the Bootstrap theme(s) you use, throw up quick pages, and are fast with Bootstrap, you're probably not missing much.

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          Thanks for the detailed reply. If the developer experience is great then based on history a lot more people will start focusing on it. Already I have started noticing the trend, the more modern UI components/themes seem to be built on Tailwind whereas the Bootstrap themes are looking a little outdated.

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            @mch summed it up pretty well. I've used bootstrap a little bit, also lost of plain css, and now that I'm used to TailwindCSS I think I'll try and stick with it.
            It definitely can get messy, but I find that my plain CSS ends up getting pretty hectic too. I also love how active the Tailwind team is, they seem to be continuously improving both TailwindCSS, and also TailwindUI, which is really encouraging to see.

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    • DevDojo (tails)
    • Shuffle.dev
    • TUK (Tailwind UI kit)
    • SaaS Blocks (saasblocks.app)

    What do you guys use?

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