The Reddit post that got me 1.1k visitors

Reddit is brutal to market, but thats the mistake I did or many of us make. Is we market on Reddit.

I've had several Reddit posts get no traction but a few that did work. Analysing those I repeated the same structure in the headline

PS headline is probably 80% of the job.

The biggest mindset change was focusing on WIIFM while writing the title (What's In It For Me)

No one cares about the top 10 marketing strategies or the 8 Top SEO tricks

However people do care about

"Out of 10, these 3 marketing strategies got me, my first 20 users"


"As a beginner, these 5 SEO strategies got me to 1k visitors per month"

Its all about how you can position your success and map it onto the reader to build reliability (make them feel like they can do it too) and offer a "REAL" statistic at the end of it

So what's the Reddit post that got me this traffic called?

"I made an AI cold emailer that's getting 80% open rates" where I put a video demoing smartwriter

Why did it work?

  • Quickly said what I built
  • Spoke about the outcome
  • Comment I used PAS (pain agitate solution)

Heres the post

  1. 6

    Super interesting, thank you @veebuv. People love a success story.

    I think you've named this post very well too! haha

    1. 1

      Haha thanks mate! Glad you noticed my efforts to try :p

  2. 3

    I had the same experience with Reddit back when I did a lot of marketing for my app Avocation there. Managed to get quite a lot of users from Reddit and people asked me how I managed to pull that off.

    To be honest I had no idea how brutal Reddit can be and I approached it without thinking too much about it. Now thinking back I think I know why it worked so well:

    I made the posts about me, my journey and my own struggles (which is why I built this app) instead of my product!

    I think people hate obvious promotions and I get it, I hate that kind of stuff too. But reading about someone overcoming a struggle is something we can identify ourselves much more with, so I think thats why these type of posts usually do so well.

    Great to see that others observe the same stuff!

    1. 1

      Oh thats amazing! Congrats mate - solid work!

      "I made the posts about me, my journey and my own struggles (which is why I built this app) instead of my product!"

      Exactly, people siff through the self-promo very fast and only the original stuff sticks! I'll be experimenting on twists and takes on that approach and report back to you :)

  3. 2

    Thanks for this, reddit is always the most confusing place to market on because it's easy to accidentally break a rule or something and get banned from a subreddit. Do you have a link to your reddit post?

    1. 1

      Oh, that's true. It's really tough to market on reddit. I tend to not post there, mainly because I'm afraid 😅

    2. 1

      And yes it can be a VERY tough place to market

  4. 1

    Lesson Learnt! lol..

    Thanks for reminding that again, "Keep it short" / "Keep it simple"

    Out of curiosity(off topic): @veebuv you a native of Kerala?

  5. 1

    Hey, thanks for sharing your learnings! 🙂

    1. 1

      No problem at all, hopefully it helped!

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