What is programmatic? And how can clients benefit from DSP in their digital marketing strategies?

I am exploring this subject and i would appreciate getting feedbacks from experts or anyone with enough experience to assist me in my learning curve :)

posted to
Digital Marketing
on October 1, 2022
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    Programmatic opens up a lot of opportunities for advertising.

    You can target people based on

    1. Their demographics
    2. Their topics and interests
    3. Their spend online
    4. Their browsers, mobile phone models, laptops
    5. Similar / Lookalike of your customers
    6. Programmatic can help you drive scale through cold to warm to hot leads
    7. Audience segmentation based on their behavior on your website
    8. Programmatic can also help you with customer life cycle marketing
    9. Programmatic can help you retarget at scale
    10. Programmatic can help you build a brand through sequential targeting
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      Terrific @Ppcmaverick ! Thank you very much, i understand the endless possibilities of DSP better. It's passionating, i only used meta ads so far, never really got to work on programmatic so far.

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    I worked at a DSP for ten years. In short you can reach every online publisher via a DSP and can target / optimize against your clients KPIs across trillions of available display, native and video impressions. If a particular publisher/placement is working really well for you, you can push for better terms directly with the publisher through various deal ids. Most DSPs have features allowing you to communicate directly with the publisher to establish such terms (PMP Marketplace).

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      Hello @spikegold thank you very much for your answer. It is cristal clear :)
      As an expert, i wonder what would you suggest as a strategy to drive awareness for the launch of a new ice cream for instance? Like the ideal target option for reach boost and media buying model?

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