What are you going to build this week? ๐Ÿฅ

Standing in for @marvindanig ๐Ÿ˜‡

Share your weekly goal here in the comments below and then try to complete it by Friday!

We are in this together! โค๏ธ

For me, for IH: my goal is working on tidying up groups with resources and guidelines. ๐Ÿ˜…

posted to
Goal Setters
on September 21, 2020
  1. 8

    Working on alpodo.com analytics landing page.. Adding some features box. Well designed logo. Adding documentation.

    1. 2

      That looks cool, is it on https://nomoregoogle.com/ ?

      1. 3

        Done ๐Ÿ‘. Thanks for the suggestion.

  2. 5

    Working on the final version of the landing page for https://remoteleaf.com

    1. 1

      This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

  3. 4

    Launching https://minimaps.io/ on ProductHunt and cleaning up some of the UI in the app!

    1. 2

      Love your branding!

  4. 3

    I'll be working on rebuilding all the Divjoy templates in Material UI so I can launch Material UI support next month.

  5. 3

    Completely restructuring my redux state to make it more the app more performant.

    1. 1

      I may have mentioned before use Keajs, makes working with redux a dream.

      1. 1

        Hi Volkan, thanks for the recommendation. I did check out kea.js when you suggested it a while ago. I decided to go with redux toolkit instead, it solves the same problems that kea does and I preferred its approach by just a bit. Thanks though!

  6. 3

    Building a MVP of Reward as a Service: Set a goal, a deadline, and pay. Proof with photos/screenshots that you've achieved your goal and you'll get your money back as reward.

    It should be ready by Friday! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

  7. 3

    Putting in my one hour each day on one hour saas, getting closer to getting a working MVP!

    Should be able to monitor a podcast by the end of the week!

  8. 3

    Ship prototypr publisher, and Letter :D

    1. 2

      Very cool! I think this is a much better than HTML email for sure!

      1. 1

        haha thanks! HTLM email is painful!

        1. 1

          Yes it is ๐Ÿ˜‚

  9. 3

    Write copy without deleting it when I'm done with it.

    1. 1

      Sounds familiar ;)

    2. 1

      Good copy ain't easy.

      My process is write and read it a few hours/next day.

    3. 1

      This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

  10. 2

    This week I am going to be sharing my experience moving over to Ghost, a great platform by John O'Nolan for writing and publishing.

    I am also going to decide whether to move to Versoly or Notion thanks to some sound advice from @jmckinven

    Read about it this Sunday at https://jayyoms.substack.com/

  11. 2

    a habit of relaxation.

    am in burnout

  12. 2

    Hoping to finish off my personal website richawo.com and potentially start writing for my newsletter thestartup.substack.com. If I can do that, then it's been a great week!

    1. 1

      This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

      1. 1

        Thanks for the encouragement!

  13. 2

    Redoing all the design and copywriting of my landing page.
    The current version is a lot better than the previous one: idleless.com

  14. 2

    Working on diffstories.com โ€” a tool to help developers create better Pull Requests

  15. 2

    I am going to work on documentation of Red Goose this week. Keeping it light because our baby is on the way. Excited!

    Thank you @rosiesherry for posting this week's standup. Sending โค๏ธ your way!

    1. 1

      Oooh, best of luck with the baby!

  16. 2
    1. Trying to build #1 from this message, a five step automated workflow from a form submission. If I pull it off, it will be thanks to some insights from @sethk.
    2. Writing this week's issue of the No-code Analysis newsletter.
  17. 1

    Going to see if I can stand up an MVP of a pet community site.

  18. 1

    Planning to implement an experiment in the pricing page of influrocket.com

    Over the past few weeks the niche keyword finder tool has received hundreds of visitors, 10% of them are visiting the pricing page but there are very little purchases. That's why I decided to cut down price by 50% and add an annual payment option with even more discount to see of that increases conversion.

  19. 1

    Wrapping up the MVP for stoiclyy.com by friday!

  20. 1

    Working on www.majorable.com I will be adding/improving landing page.

  21. 1

    Working on to finalizing the design of my next Product spookey.io (Front-end & User Control Panel) within in this week & from next week we start coding.. this is the plan for this week.

  22. 1

    This week I am busy with continuous deployment pipeline for my MVP. It's time consuming to deploy new versions manually, but with proper CD pipeline it will happen at a push of a button. How many of you pay attention to repetitive tasks in your development? How do you address them?

  23. 1

    My goal is to finish uni requirements within this week while building my personal project. Also, I'd like to finish the week by spending time painting :)

    Goodluck with your goals everyone!

  24. 1

    My main goal is to optimize the new features on my prduct www.ruttl.com. We are currently handling out betas to the people who have signed up with us. Our team is currently working day and night to make sure its perfect at public launch. Do check it out incase it might be useful to you @rosiesherry

  25. 1

    Getting our bot in the Slack app store and making a couple of tweaks to the latest version of our sales site revelapp.io

    Feedback welcome!

  26. 1

    Shipping the MVP by Friday of my first cross platform app: GP Calendar (Any feedback much appreciate! : https://twitter.com/SlamingDev/status/1307667783170301953?s=20 )

  27. 1

    A new event countdown/coming soon HTML templates for BuildFaster.co.

  28. 1

    This week I'm completing the event ingestion pipeline and I aim to have sketches for all pages in Logary Analytics.

    1. 1

      Never managed all the pages, but I got a new customer and I finished the event ingestion pipeline.

  29. 1

    Working on writing some additional content for ChromeExtensionKit's blog. At this point, I'm mainly experimenting with ways to keep traffic semi-consistent post-launch.

  30. 1

    Hi everyone,

    I am chasing product goals for dwata. Current goals for this week are:

    1. Add an admin section in dwata
    2. Add a tab in the admin for "Data sources" - manage your database connections
    3. Add a Users tab in the admin - show all users who are signed up, using Google auth

    For context, dwata is:

    Software to query, understand and manage Business data without SQL or code. For Sales/Product/Marketing people without any engineering help.


  31. 1

    Entering testing phase for getmetascan.com!

    Spent the last weekend adding the logo, landing page, licensing API, and working out my distribution strategy.

  32. 1

    Going to work on marketing of https://altcampus.school

    I wrote a blog post on "understanding and getting started with marketing" - https://ramenpotential.com/understanding-marketing

    Basically need to execute the points I have written there.

  33. 1

    Working on internal analytics of our users in OrgPad, so we can get better insight into how users are using our app. I still need to create a few more graphs and add some filtering to see recent activity, etc. Hopefully I can finish it in a day or two, so I can focus on working on new text editor for our app.

    Graphs giving overview of user activity in OrgPad

  34. 1

    I am going to make me updates to gumrank (https://gumrank.pory.app) this week
    and also create a landing page for something new I am working on.

  35. 1

    My goal is to get a few startups and small companies signed up on https://development.kitchen

  36. 1

    My plan is to launch Noora (noorahq.com) on ProductHunt. I've never done a PH launch before, so it will be fun to see how it pans out.

    1. 3

      Whatever is the result don't stop.

  37. 1

    Great question!

    I'm going to start filling the landing page for Mindible, which is a noting, writing and blog app.

  38. 1

    This comment was deleted a year ago.

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