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Public Blog Network

PBNs for netlinking, how does it work?

A PBN (Personal Blog Network) is a network of websites used to build links (and therefore pass authority) to a single site for the purpose of manipulating search engine rankings. This system is similar to a link wheel or a link pyramid, as it involves several different sites, all linked together or to a central website.

The creation of a PBN is a work of natural referencing optimization which aims to stimulate the SEO performance and the traffic of a site by creating tailor-made and autonomous Netlinking strategies.

We are going to address here different questions that many ask themselves when they wonder about the advisability or not of using this type of SEO Back Hat techniques to climb in the first positions of search engines and to acquire inbound links. of quality.
What is a PBN?

For SEOs, it is a network that is built with the aim of transferring to a Money site, the necessary popularity in order to advance its natural referencing on Google, and to please its algorithm.

For Google, one of the determining factors for ranking in the results of its search engine is popularity, symbolized by the number and quality of incoming links pointing to a site, the famous Backlinks.

With it, you can create quality links yourself from a private network to your main site, which is intended to position itself in Google results and generate the bulk of the turnover.

The "Personal Blog Network" is a name that can be confusing, we prefer to speak of "Personal Backlink Network". Indeed it would not be natural to create a network consisting solely of blogs. The types of sites that can naturally make links can be multiple (blog, shop, wiki, press, etc.).

It is therefore necessary to create a relevant network of varied sites, appearing as natural as possible in the eyes of Google.
Is there a risk of penalty for using a PBN?

If we were to rely on the Google Guidelines, all unnatural links are prohibited and penalized. Suffice to say that a network of sites falls particularly within the practices prohibited by Google and therefore risks leading to algorithmic (Penguin-type) or manual penalties.

If we had to stick to the recommendations of the search engine, only naturally created links would be accepted (Linkbaiting). Suffice to say that it would be impossible for many sites to reference themselves correctly, mainly for positions in a competitive environment.

The creation of a Personal Blog Network is one strategy among others, unnatural and black hat in the eyes of Google, but ultimately no more and no less than sponsored articles or other methods of acquiring links.

It's all about moderation, relevance and strategy in the work of SEOs.

There are many ways to get your content seen and if you're looking for something that will really make an impact, then building a PBN is the way forward. I can advise Links Stream (https://links-stream.com/private-blog-network-service/) who professionally set up these compounds so they rank well without any problems from Google or other search engines like Bing etc., also with high-quality backlinks pointing at them which helps improve their SEO ranking even more!
What are the arguments of detractors and disadvantages of private networks?

One of the main disadvantages is the cost of developing and maintaining a private network. From its creation to its maintenance, the costs can be significant depending on the quality of your sites.

The costs break down as follows:

Purchase of a new or expired domain name.
Dedicated hosting.
Creation and customization (CMS, tailor-made, etc.).
Possible creation of linked social accounts.
Creation of content (variable prices depending on the length and quality of writing).
Now and content additions.

These operations must be repeated for each component site, which can quickly represent tens or even hundreds of hours of work. Even by automating certain tasks and outsourcing some of them, the investment in time and money can be substantial.
The risk of a Google penalty

They are subject to 2 types of risk, algorithmic penalties from Google, and manual penalties following complaints from competitors.

The safest solution in terms of Netlinling will always be to respect Google's recommendations 100%. But in this case there is little chance of obtaining optimal results and of performing on competitive queries.

Any link building strategy is risky, PBN is one of them, is it riskier than other methods like buying sponsored articles? Probably not if we take a minimum of precautions.

Today there are many link buying platforms that allow you to quickly develop a netlinking strategy. Why waste time creating networks when thousands of themed sites exist and accept for an equivalent or lower cost to create links?

It is a strategy that comes in addition to the rest, to pass a stage, to stimulate stagnant results.

Using link building platforms remains one solution among others. Press relations and the creation of quality content to encourage sharing are also techniques to use.

No method is better than the other, they are part of an overall strategy in which a harmony and balance of the link profile must be created.
What are the benefits of using a PBN?

They have many advantages to be integrated into an overall linking strategy.

When we put in place a strategy for creating incoming links, once the link and the content have been created, we have little control. If the URL of the pages changes, if link anchors must be modified following a penalty, it is sometimes difficult to obtain modifications quickly.

With a private network, you will have total control over the links, being able to modify them as needed and adapt the strategy according to changes in the Google algorithm.

You will also be able to enrich your texts, contextualize the links, create an internal mesh and make changes as desired to the content part of your network sites.

With a network, you can dictate anchor text, links, and test to see what works best. No other linking strategy allows you such freedom.

posted to
on November 21, 2022
  1. 1

    Hey, is it good to get a backlink from PBN sites?

    If yes, can you explain me?

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