How does Apple use Privacy for a competitive advantage?

What is Competitive Advantage?

Competitive advantage refers to factors that allow a company to produce goods or services better or more cheaply than its rivals.

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Apple has positioned itself as the most privacy-sensitive company. Apple vs Android: The age-old battle where Android was dominating for years, Apple needed something that can Android never achieve, and then Apple Privacy came which became Apple's biggest Competitive advantage.

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Android could have beat Apple in hardware and software within a few years as technology is evolving and getting cheaper day by day. Unlike Apple, Android's business model is to use data to sell google ads by observing users' day-to-day activities where Privacy is a joke.

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Android offers free services to users but has been criticized for its privacy policies. Apple used it as a competitive advantage to generate greater value for the company. The more sustainable the competitive advantage, the more difficult it is for competitors to balance the edge.

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