#1 Developer Tool of the Week @ Product Hunt: How we did it

We launched Corbado on Product Hunt and reached #1 Developer Tool of the Week in January 2024.
Read about our learnings and tips on how to successfully launch Developer Tools on Product Hunt.

submitted this link to Icon for group Growth
on February 27, 2024
  1. 2

    Great debrief - out of curiosity, how much time did you spend on the launch?

    1. 1

      Thank you!
      It's really tough to give a concrete number.
      But here's an outline:

      • Started the preparation around 4 weeks pre-Launch
      • 1 person was the DRI and and spent 3 days per week on it (so around 100h total)
      • 3 other persons spent around 1-2h per day on it (60-120h)

      So in total maybe something around 200 hours?

      But it's important to note that many tasks were due anyway (e.g. creating a nice video, creating nice visuals, finetuning descriptions, ...).

      Does that help you? :)

      1. 1

        Yes, great answer - quite a lot of time, did you find it worth it?

        1. 1

          If we just look at the direct output of the launch (2x signups, 4x website traffic) then I wouldn't be sure.
          But considering the side effects (a lot of small engineering tickets finally done, all marketing materials are on point now, good foundation for future launches, personal authority on PH, ...) I'd definitely say yes.

          It totally depends on the kind of tool you're building and at what growth stage you're at. If you launch very early, a quick & dirty launch without much prep does the job!

          1. 2

            That was my thought: get the backlink in a silent launch, and then go big later!

  2. 1

    This looks great man. Checked it on PH.

    1. 1

      Thanks a lot! Are you planning to launch on Product Hunt?

      1. 1

        Actually, I am a video producer and I produce varirty of videos, especially explainer and product demo videos for SaaS products.

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