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Proven SaaS idea for sale: mailing list, SEO'd domain, & marketing plan

Hey all, I did a decent amount of legwork validating a SaaS idea but unfortunately don't have the time to take it any further despite lots of interest. I'd love to sell what I do have in order to make a clean break and give someone else the opportunity to pursue it.

What is it?

The idea is sveltesaas.com — a SaaS template built around Svelte/SvelteKit.

Svelte is a UI framework like React except it doesn't use a virtual DOM so is much faster and has smaller builds, includes styles out of the box, and is very fun to use. Svelte was voted the most-loved web framework in the Stack Overflow Developer survey, beating out React, Rails, Django, and more.

SvelteKit is the upcoming app framework that lets you create websites with Svelte. It takes care of server-side rendering, client-side hydration, routing, and more all in an easy-to-use way — it's meant to take care of all the maddening details of modern web development.

My idea — SvelteSaaS — is a SaaS template built on Svelte/SvelteKit that gives you all the things you need to make an app — user sign up/login, database models, admin UIs, Stripe integration, etc.


The mailing list for SvelteSaaS has gotten more than 150 email signups, and the website gets organic traffic from my SEO efforts resulting in more mailing list signups.

Screenshot of number of mailing list subscribers

Screenshot of Google hits

Screenshot of Google Analytics

SaaS templates in other frameworks have been super successful — see SaaSPegasus on IndieHackers ($31k in one month), Gravity on IndieHackers ($25k in one month), DivJoy on IndieHackers ($16k per month last listed in 2020), and BulletTrain which is a very popular Rails template.

Plus SaaS templates are an easy sell — by paying money up-front you can launch your product way faster and save on the engineering costs of building a site from scratch.

Selling It

So to me this is a super solid idea with validation both in-principle and specifically with mailing list signups. I'm looking to sell the domain and email list and I can also throw in the substantial amount of research and planning I did. This is in the form of a Notion page and includes 47 detailed TODOs on specific ways to market the product (sites, SEO articles, etc) as well as features that I planned to implement.

It's unfortunate that I can't work on the idea because it seems so good and I love Svelte, but alas, my interests have shifted away from tech (I quit tech to become a therapist!). So if you want to take the idea off my hands, please email or DM me.

posted to
App Ideas
on December 15, 2022
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    Last call! Less than a day left if you're interested in buying the domain and data.

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