Goals for an indie hacked game studio?

Me and two friends are working on indie games on our spare time and we plan to show it as a game studio, but since games are a difficult market to get into, we don't know what we should expect on the short, medium and long term. What do you guys think would be good goals for and indie game studio given these constraints?

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    I'm lost. what exactly are the constraints? your post confuses me, are you looking for marketing tips? game ideas? stories?

    Anyhow.. you should set your own (realistic) goals and decide for yourselves what's good enough for you.

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      My bad, I think I should first work on my writing then hehe.
      The struggle is: what is a realistic goal for an indie game studio that is not receiving angel investments and is only worked on part-time (currently)?

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        I'd say it's important to be able to judge your own skills, from knowledge of game development, through all of quality of code, artwork, game design (in the broader sense, like game logic, storyline, UX, etc.) and finally marketing. Without knowing any of these about you, I can hardly answer anything with certainty.

        Are you developing for PC? mobile? genres? previous releases? maybe I could throw a random suggestion to look into VR. I just bought Quest 2 and I'm having time of my life, it's been a game changer for quarantine.

        Also important for you to think about monetization. The difference between $0 and a hit (financially) could just be the business model. Although it's never bad to release a big hit without revenues, for future purposes.

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    Thank you for sharing!

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