12,000 more visits a year to our landing page with this one tweak

New experiment result: 12,000 more visits a year to our landing page

1 change ✨

Like many product-led growth startups, Powered By marketing is one of our biggest marketing channels.

Senja.io forms, widgets and Walls of Love have a Powered By Senja badge.

They get clicked 1000s of times a year, driving product discovery and sign ups.

This is one of the reasons we have such an aggressive free tier - more users, more Powered By, more sign ups, more users.

We were happy with the badge performance, but didn't want to leave it untested.

So, for our most recent marketing experiment we decided to test if we could change the badge design, and increase the click through rate.

This simple change took a few hours to design, and few more for my co-founder to implement.

We added view and click tracking at a badge level as before we'd only tracked referral in our Post Hog analytics.

The result was a 40% uplift in clicks from the badge.

That's 12,000 visitors a year (based on current views on the badge, which are actually increasing)

Here's the exact results
Views: 223,904
Clicks: 486
Click through rate: 0.217%

Views: 221,950
Clicks: 676
Click through rate: 0.305%

Percentage increase: 40.55

We're continuing to test new marketing ideas every day for the #buildinpublic community and I'll try and share them

As always, run your own tests for your SaaS and find out what works for you.

  1. 2

    Very cool, Would love to know how you run these experiments. Do you use any SaaS or product for it or have your own experimentation system.

    1. 1

      @enthudeveloper For this, we built our own system, as our widgets already had analytics. However for our landing page and product tests, we use PostHog.

      1. 1

        Thanks. I did not know about PostHog before. Looks like a very good offering. Thanks again.

  2. 1

    hank you very much for sharing such comparative data! Can you leave a Twitter handle for me to follow? Haha

  3. 1

    Have you considered using multi-armed bandit (https://www.dynamicyield.com/lesson/contextual-bandit-optimization/) instead of AB testing? The nice thing about it is that you can add more variations at a time, and you can worry less about less optimal variations getting too much traffic for too long.

  4. 1

    Nice experiment! Loved the way you did the AB testing. Keep sharing these strategies.

    1. 1

      I want to but they don't seem very popular on here!

  5. 1

    Oh boy, you even included the data! 🤤👌
    I love the way that you test things out using the tried and true Scientific Method.
    It's great to see others doing little experiments like this, and sharing the results.
    What do you plan to test next on the Powered By badge to increase CTR?

    1. 1

      @ScottJames We're constantly running new tests, so we'll probably roll in some variations. But we're also back to testing other parts of the funnel.

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