Roast my startup, landing page & app (Beseek)

Hi everyone, feel free to roast my latest startup Beseek, it's landing page and the app itself. In a nutshell, Beseek turns any online article into bite-sized audio summary.

Website: https://beseek.app

Search "Beseek" on App Store or Google Play, or use the download link from the website.

Thanks for your time and honest reviews.

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    Hi, The content on your page is very clear but feature-centric. I understand what your app does but the value it can deliver is underplayed. This app isn't for 'those seeking greatness in life' but for 'those who want to learn (read) more in less time'.
    The page needs to communicate that Beseek is not just to summarize content but to give you the most relevant piece of content while saving your precious time.

    The content also needs to be broken into small bits so it can engage better. Currently there are a lot of words and they're hiding 'what's it in for me'.
    Bullet points could help.

    Another thing you could do to improve conversions is add some number(s). This app is a productivity enhancement app and so if you tell me it'll save 60% of my reading time, I'd download it with 60% more confidence.

    Hope it helps.

  2. 1

    I'm new here so here goes
    middle block of text seems too big, and then you have valuable repeated twice in the same sentence

    but really, looks good so not much to roast

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