Next.js Fans?

I ❤️ Next.js.

I teach how to build a SaaS with it in my book, I built the book website with it, I build client web projects with it, I hack on personal projects with it.

Who else is indiehacking with Next.js? What are you building?

  1. 3

    I really like the simplicity Next brings - you can get set-up and building in minutes which is really cool.

    Have you tried Remix.run? I love it

    1. 1

      I haven't worked hands-on with Remix yet, but it's all the rage. It definitely has a concrete use-case that has certain specific strengths that Next.js is lacking in. For projects with lots of dynamic data in a given page that could change at any time, I'd certainly strongly consider Remix.

  2. 2

    Yes! I'm a huge NextJS fan boy - it's the framework that powers my project - clientside.dev

  3. 2

    Hi Mike,
    Love the tech stack you used in your book, with Next + Chakra it's really easy to build MVPs, almost 90% of my side projects are powered by Next and Chakra.
    My latest project is resumebuilder.dev, react-hook-form field arrays were super helpful while building the resume section form.

  4. 2

    tried some React and frontend frameworks & tools. NextJS is where I fall in love now ❤️

    I build illostration.com with Supabase, Stripe and Vercel. It's a nice Stack for Micro SaaS applications.

    What you are building?

    PS: I bought your book 🙊

    1. 1

      Thanks for grabbing a copy of the book!

      Other than the book I'm not building anything at the moment. I have a lot of fun initiatives going on at my company Echobind taking up my time for the moment.

      1. 1

        I had a quick look through the book. Most of it was already familiar to me. It's a good beginner book because it covers a lot of topics.

        How long did it take you to write it so far?

        1. 1

          It's been a long road - I released the first version right before my second child was born-that took me a few months. He's almost two now, and I've only released a few more chapters, with a few still left to go. So a long time.

          The next time around I'm definitely going to see how I can limit scope and streamline the product turnaround process.

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