I have about 100K signups but need suggestions on using it.

Hi everyone, I am an app developer last year i launched lots of android apps in invitation cards making category. Today i was looking at Signups from all apps combined. The number is 98000. Based on my knowledge, Having this number of emails can be really helpful for promoting products. But i currently don't have many products. I recently launched a SaaS app for freelancers Turbo pitch. But i think it is unrelated to invitation card category so there i no point in sending them emails for that product. So i want some suggestions on how can I effectively use those emails for marketing purpose.

Thank you

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    100K subs are quite a big number so I think the first thing is to categorize and clean up your subscribers. Using a tool like Convertkit you can send a series of emails with an update on your profile link where people can choose from a drop-down list of their interests then, and based on the interest you tag them.

    Here's an example I did when I realized I forgot to get people's first name

    Hi Friends,
    Khaled here, I would like to call you by your first name when sending emails.
    You can click Update your profile and enter your first name if it's not set.

    Now that you have multiple categories you can use one that fits your saas product to promote and use to build communities etc.

    Lastly, expect that you will have quite a few who unsubscribe

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      I do not collect anything except email and name. So is there any other way to categorize them with limited information that i have?

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        unfortunately not, you need the users to provide more info through what I mentioned in the previous comment, if you are scared to email them at once you can send emails 5k at a time and check the results

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    I would look for complimentary products or apps and approach them with a profit share opportunity (i think you're in a good position to have this weighed in your favour) and then mail your list with the offer (Its important that you do this and not your partner) and/or you could propose they pay you for each new customer or subscriber they get from it and/or a commission on any future sales (so like an affiliate deal).

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    You can Keep them on database for future usage

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    Anytime you have an update, send everyone an email about it w a download link.

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    You could brainstorm an idea, build it, use that email list to promote your own startup. or you can run promotional emails , where for example someone would pay you to promote their company to your email list, in a creative way of course.

    But i think you should build a a community website within your niche and build it up. people could pay monthly etc to get premiums, but i think building an online community could be good for you. congrats to getting that amount i'm only 23 haha! just started though :)

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      I like the idea of launching a community but again this apps are invitation cards making apps. And anyone would be using it. For example a doctor, an engineer, an accountant could have their email in there. But the question is would any of them be interested if i start a community related to invitation cards as it is simply not their field. They just came, used the app and probably never open it again or even uninstalled it immediately after that.

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