Why I Quit Tech and Became a Therapist

Hello dear everyone, I thought maybe this community would enjoy the story of how I quit tech to become a therapist. This story has resonated with a lot of people in the tech community and many have reached out to me. I hope you find it useful <3

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    What a wonderful winding road, so very happy for you! Thanks for capturing it all in a long form article. It's fascinating to me how folks make truly transformational changes in their lives, I know it's never as straightforward and obvious as it seems with some hindsight.

    Did writing this article pull anything together in a different way for you? Curious if the reflection yielded any new insights.

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      Thanks for your kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

      I find that writing things out in narrative form helps me make sense of things, so yes, the act of writing this was useful for me. It helped turn a bunch of confusing feelings and experiences into a more coherent form. And sharing the article has lead to a bunch of new friendships as well as paid coaching opportunities so that's been great as well.

      I'm currently writing a follow-up explaining my experience in grad school as well as chronic health issues and that's been helpful in letting me see the bigger picture. I found myself writing things that I never consciously thought about before but realized were true. These are mostly positive things about my experiences that I hadn't understood before because I was too focused on the negative.

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