Freelance friends, do you often have clients who take a long time to pay you?

Since I've been a freelancer, I often have to follow up with my clients to get them to pay me on time.

How often does this happen to you?

  1. 1

    I'm a little late to the party here, but you should check out the product I'm working on... fixes this problem -- and you'd be supporting a fellow indie hacker, too! :)

    --> Ditto

  2. 1

    For now I have had 4 "important" clients: 2 paid on time and another 2 late... and I need to sue 1 of them.

    Of course, I won't work with these bad clients anymore, but for me it's hard to know this at first.

    I'll use your advice, I'm reading good ideas here!

  3. 1

    We charge 50% upfront to start and 50% on completion. I'm also transparent with my Clients that we are an early stage startup without an accounts receivables department so need to collect upfront and have 5-day payment deadlines. Also, if the Finance process takes too long, the client can pay the Stripe invoice (usually few thousand dollars) with a credit card and expense it.

    1. 1

      Good idea. Stripe is the best to receive payment

  4. 1

    Nope. Because any client who takes too long to pay me isn't a client for long :) why bother dealing with this when there are plenty of clients out there who will pay you promptly?

    1. 1

      True.how do you know in advance ?

  5. 1

    I read an article a while back from Xero that said the best terms to get paid was NET14. That is full settlement within 14 days.

    I use an automatic email reminder that triggers an email a few days prior, a day before and then nags them if they are late.

    You could opt to stage the work and not put it live until they've paid.

    1. 1

      Good idea. Et great automation

  6. 1

    Fairly common. I started adding a 1% late fee to my contracts. It's not much money, but people don't like being charged fees. It hasn't eliminated companies paying late, but it has seemed to reduce the occurrence.

    1. 1

      I hadn't thought of that, but it's a good idea

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