Landing Page: Looking for feedback

Please give me your honest feedback on the landing page for Geo Deals.

  • Is this landing page clear enough?

  • Is there anything missing/confusing on this landing page?

Country Wise Discount Engine

Geo Deals is a product that helps to optimize discounts based on the purchase power parity of the visitor's country.

P.S: Also let me know what do you think of the product.

  1. 1

    Overall well done. This is bit of a late comment but kind of curious to hear what's your progress been like since a year of launching this? :-)

    1. 1

      Changed the name and have relaunched the product. Now it's called Promo Jet.

      1. 1

        Congrats on keeping up with it from a year, Sachin. I assume it's going successful? :-)

  2. 1

    Couple of things on this!

    1. Wayyyyy to much text. Be more concise. 2-4 works for headers and 1-2 sentences for descriptions.
    2. Hero section needs some sort of image or video to draw people in.
    3. Add more images throughout the site and make the sections longer. I like when a section takes up the whole view of the screen so you don't see other views creeping under or above it.
    4. Thoughts on trying another color scheme? Not a huge fan of red especially for a product like this. What made you go with Red?
    1. 1
      1. Agree. Made few changes as well. It also looks to much text because of less blank space. Will work on it
      2. Working on creating a motion image ( gif )
      3. I have fixed it to an extent. Still have to work more
      4. I have used my brand colors. It's actually dark orange.

      Have a look at improved landing page here

      Purchase Power Parity Deals

  3. 1

    "Maximize your revenue using localised discounts"

    Do you have any proof to backup claims? Perhaps there is a study somewhere you can quote or use their headline figures.

    1. 1

      Thank you for your feedback.

      When I read localized discount , I think of currency conversion sort off. I am not sure how others think of it.

      Netflix is a best example for this kind of pricing approach. Of course, I have to present it on the website. Will find a way out to do it...

      1. 1

        Yep localised is quite a clumsy word tbh.

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