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Stripe Embedded Customer Portal in Webflow

Hi Indie Hackers!
I need your feedback on a new feature we're releasing: an email-authenticated customer portal for Webflow. This is ideal for those selling digital services outside of Webflow, such as a paid newsletter as seen in the example demo or marketing/design services. The user's goal is to purchase a plan and be able to manage that subscription from your Webflow website.

Here's a summary of the user journey:

  1. User selects a plan from the pricing page (all products are hosted in Stripe)
  2. Purches a service/tier
  3. Gets redirected to an email form on Webflow
  4. Gets sent an email with a link to their customer portal
  5. User clicks the link and gets navigated to their customer portal where they can manage their subscription

🔴 Watch the demo here: https://youtu.be/889k4QEcTFY

What do you think of this end-user journey and feature? All feedback is appreciated 🙏

  1. 1

    I think a better flow is

    1. User selects a plan
    2. User signs up for the Plan (name, email, password, payment details)
    3. Gets redirected to membership portal upon successful payment where they can managee payments and subscription

    Also include automations like automated email on account details, invoice, billing reminder, etc.

    Check how they do it in Wix. They have membership portal beautifully integrated in all their ecommerce / subscription website plans.

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