Retro on my first 20 podcast episodes

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    Congrats on 1,000 Downloads. I appreciate the way you broke down the cost of podcasting. I recently did a similar breakdown of my costs on twitter

    I also put together a solution for podcasters looking for help with some of the heavy lifting. It would be great to run the solution below by you in detail.


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    Hey Jack, love the insights. Congrats on surpassing 1,000 downloads! It was cool to see how you did the breakdown of cost/opportunity cost... I think in the beginning, it never seems like it is "worth it" on paper, but that is the cost of growth.

    As for the part about monetization and CPM, you could also entertain the affiliate marketing approach initially or finding sponsors at "set cost" (say $200 /episode for the next five episodes) rather than CPM... just some ideas. I am working on building a marketplace Curtain for podcasters to find sponsors and affiliate partnerships at any stage and would love to hear more about your journey as you continue grow and the problems you may encounter.

    P.S. as a software engineer myself, I will definitely have to check out the pod🙂

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      Thanks for the nice words - really appreciate it!

      Agree with you on the cost of growth - very well put.

      Thanks for sharing your project. It's definitely food for thought. Feel free to keep me updated!

      And yes, please let me know what you think!

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