What are you going to build this week? 🥁

Good Monday morning fellow hackers! ☀️

It is time to set a goal for this week for ourselves.

What are you going to build by the coming weekend? Drum it up aloud in the comments and share your dream projects below.

All the best! ❤️

posted to
Goal Setters
on November 30, 2020
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    Hi! Building a referral system for B2B companies at onsite.fun

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      Nice to see you here too! And good luck with the feature!


  2. 3

    Gonna build features that make our community (join.coulf.com) even better and acquisition channels that work for us.

    What are you working on @marvindanig? You could've mentioned in your post.

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        You have a compelling headline and hero section but once I go down there's so much content. And it pulls out my attention a bit.

        1. 1

          Yes, I will fix this shortly! Thank you @Dinakar 🙌🏻.

  3. 2

    I'm adding a lifetime pricing to pushback.io :)

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    Goal for this week: to put up a revised version of my podcast landing page service MTRN.ME - consolidating some feedback from the first few users :)

    Coding is almost done, next is to upload it to the server, unleash it and look for some new users 💪🏻

    1. 2

      Huzzah! Got this goal done ahead of time! MVP v2 is now live 😊

      Check out some samples:
      Problem Solvers
      How to Fix the Internet
      Newsletter Club

  5. 2

    I wrote a rough draft of a newsletter. The newsletter is about playing around with business metrics - what is the math behind "do things that don't scale" and what does it imply? Should you diversify or focus? Stuff like that

    The web version will have integrated JavaScript tools that people can play around with. By the end of the week, I will have..

    • Finished the draft of the newsletter
    • Written the tool for the first post
    • Publish the web version
    • Received feedback from IH and the /r/startups Discord
    • Gotten the newsletter's copy edited by my girlfriend (who does that kind of thing for a living)
    • Officially send the first issue 🎉

    Busy week, but I'm ready for a challenge 😁

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    I am making a custom dashboard for google analytics. The idea is to allow users to share their analytics publicly like simple analytics, plausible, etc.

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      It's similar to what I wanted to do but eventually abandoned the idea. One thing I want to use it for is to set it as one of my Home pages so that it opens every time I start my browser and I can't avoid looking at my numbers every day.

      1. 1

        Oh Interesting. For me it is to share my page stats publicly. May be you can use mine. It will be free for 3-5 websites.

        1. 1

          I'd love to. What's the link?

          1. 1

            Working on it, actually waiting for google's approval. Can I email you when it's done? I will have the beta version by this week.

            1. 1

              Yes, please. My email is in the profile.

              1. 1

                I have been able to make it functional for now. Try it here https://analyticstally.com/ waiting google verification so you might see some warning while trying to connect your account, you can safely ignore that and proceed.

                If you might encounter some bugs, let me know.

                1. 1

                  Thanks, I'll definitely try that!

  7. 2

    I've decided to start my side project today. But first, I need to learn Ruby on Rails.

    1. 1

      Was this sarcasm haha? If not... I'd recommend you dive straight into the project and learn on the fly!

      1. 2

        Haha it was not. Last week I was wondering which framework to use in order to start my dream project, and Ruby on Rails was highly recommended. I'm just gonna learn the basics and ofc then I'll just learn the rest by doing my project!

  8. 2

    Hey @marvindanig

    This week I'm concentrating on approaching other founders to partner on my social venture to help charities digitally all over the world for free https://wecaresocial.co/

    And sign up four more charities to help with their websites for free.

    1. 1

      Very cool. All the best!

  9. 2

    Hi @marvindanig - How have you been?

    I'm planning on working on a little "product" or "Service" idea that I had - Its basically a service to help students looking to gain admission into a PhD program. The hardest part many people face (especially in the subcontinent) is how to communicate with a potential supervisor. So I was planning on launching some content like an e-book or a little blog post to get the ball rolling and see where it goes from there.

    My goal tho is to shortlist some steps or formulate a plan to go about this and to make this something that can be monetized.

    1. 1

      I’m doing well. Just a little sleep-deprived with a newborn to nurse every hour.

      To help new students communicate better with their supervisors sounds like solid deal to me. I have so little idea about the PhD side of the world that my eyes only see PHP all over the place. 😅

      All the best with your weekly goals!

  10. 2

    Hey Marvin! How are you doing?

    I'm launching a new project that should drive traffic to my main project :) Been spending the last two weeks on the last 1% so it's got to get FINISHED!

    1. 1

      hey Monica, I'm doing well.

      wow. your launch sprints are on 🔥🔥🔥. I'm excited. standing by for your mail to arrive in my inbox. in the meantime, all the best with your weekly goal! 🤙🏻

  11. 2

    This week is for a new release for my Ghost themes. Mainly performance improvements, fixing some issues in individual themes, and enhancements for some.

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    I'm trying to overcome an AppStore rejection, and re-release our new app version.

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      App Store is known for ad hoc rejections, so do not fret about it too much. Why did they reject your submission in this instance?

      Best of luck with your re-submission!

        1. 1

          I do mobile apps myself (with Red Goose) and would like to learn from your experience about the underlying story/frustration. might be able to help even if the issue you're facing is something that I have experienced before.

          connect on email?

          1. 1

            Thanks @marvindanig. Looks like we just got approved. You can reach me at: [email protected]

  13. 1

    I'm building a browser extension for GMail. Will help people focus on important emails and ignore/quick delete/unsubscribe from the stuff they never read.

    My goal for this week is to build something that I would be able to use myself. No settings page, no billing and such, just pure functionality. That would let me do a big of dogfeeding before I start promoting it.

  14. 1

    I'm hoping to build my very first twitter app. Basic idea is to view what a celebrity's timeline looks like when they use twitter. Eg. Show me "Elon musks timeline".
    Still waiting for developer approval though - seems to be taking a while. Anyone want to help me build this?

  15. 1

    Come up with a product to launch by the end of December.

    I joined LaunchMBA recently and plan to launch 12 products in the next 12 months. "Product" is malleable here, could be a landing page to validate an idea, followed up with an actual MVP the next month if all goes well.

    1. 1

      Cool, I have similar plans, but I hope secretly that my first product would make the other 11 unnecessary )).

  16. 1

    Finishing transactional emails part in ViQuestion. Close to launch beta!

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    This week I am working on an interactive 3D clothing mockup builder (https://qlo.morflax.com), will improve the landing page, and thinking about launch it on ProductHunt.

  18. 1

    This week is for a new dance room for virtual Club Avatar https://twitter.com/ClubAvatarapp1
    We're working on a public TestFlight, follow us on Twitter for updates

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    Last week was mostly development, so this week is going to be mostly outreach / sales. As much as I prefer this side of the business (the sales side), you can't have a business without customers!

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    I am starting my own newsletter/blog for new makers, it's called "Noob Maker" and it's currently here -> https://lexpaval.substack.com

    I'm currently figuring out the content schedule, strategy, and will work on a landing page until Friday.

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    This week i'm gonna hack Twitter's API and give some brain to venn https://www.venn.click

    Have a great week everyone!

  22. 1

    Finished up a little mvp for magic last week.
    It's a cleaner Google Analytics dashboard, seeing all website data at once.
    This week, gonna force myself to stop coding, and talk to people more! :)

  23. 1

    I'm planning out a newsletter feature for Dynomantle The app manages bookmarks really well, especially with the reading list. However, I currently struggle with keeping track of all the newsletters I subscribe to. I currently have to skim the newsletter and add bookmarks for the interesting links when I get the email. If I don't, it'll just get downgraded in my inbox and I'll forget about it. It'd be nice to have a better way to view newsletters than my inbox.

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