I sent an email to my list; and no one responded

I sent out an email to my list of subscribers (~60) who expressed interest in trying testimonial.guru. I was expecting about ~5-10 responses to my email; but to my surprise I received none.

What should I do?

posted to
Email Marketing
on June 12, 2022
  1. 4

    I had this happen fairly recently and I think it's a combination of factors:

    • The numbers just aren't high enough. (my list had ~45 users)
    • People typically don't want to 'give' when they receive an email.
    • An email can hit while someone's sleeping or having dinner, etc. Where they aren't in a position to respond.
    • I don't mail my list very often, so in my case they were probably a bit confused to hear from me out of the blue.

    My only suggestion is continue marketing elsewhere, maybe send a followup email to your list when there's a new feature or something to tell them about.

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      I'm definitely going to follow up, with a clear CTA. I'll post my observation. Thank you for your response, @ndor

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        You bet! Good luck.

  2. 2

    Been exactly in the same spot. 160 emails - few responded - couple of them signed up - nobody paid. Since then I've become a strong believer in selling for validation. If these guys paid you $30+, it would be a lower chance they'd disappear.

    Now you have 2 options: hope they'll reply or seek other people who need your product way more. Can help you with the latter.

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      I responded over Twitter. Curious to explore this.

  3. 2

    Hey, 60 is not a huge number but you should have received at least a couple responses, or at least link clicks.

    I have a couple questions:

    1. How long between them signing up and you sending the email?
    2. What did they sign up for? Product launch waitlist, early access etc
    3. Was there a clear call to action in your email?
    1. 1

      Good points, @mzrnsh. I've began collecting emails about 45 days ago; and this was my first email as I felt the active subscriber count is very limited. There were 4 link clicks from about 12 unique opens.

      1. About 45 days
      2. Signed up to receive early access to the product when it launches.
      3. I didn't put up a button. I can see this being a problem. I asked them to respond (efforts needed); which could be problematic.
      1. 2

        Yeah, that might be it. Asking to respond is extra effort, also it's not quite common so some people might even get confused.

  4. 1

    I don't recall the exact numbers but industry figures for email open & response rates are approximately 2-5 %.
    on average 1000 subscribers should receive 20-50 responses. So hang in there, your responses will surely increase in lockstep with your subscriber numbers.

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    What was the point of your mail? What kind of reply did you expect? Does it really matter?

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      I should have mentioned that. I asked users to respond which website/project they'd want to put testimonial guru's widget on. I promised to personally onboard and help everyone who responds.

      I'm not sure if 60 is a good number or do I need to keep building my list further. During my initial research, I found out that there indeed is a market for testimonial automation service. Almost every website uses it and it's difficult to get testimonials from customers. I'm trying to solve this problem.

      Let me know your thoughts.

      1. 4

        Oh well I do not know anything about testimonials, but what I think is: Do not let that discourage you. I can think of 1000 good reasons why people would not reply to an email, even if it such a generous offer like yours. This might really give you anxiety about your business, but let me rephrase your situation:

        From the 60 people I wrote, not everyone has seen my email - from those who have seen it, not everyone would have had the time to read it - from those who have read it, not everyone has a product/project ready RIGHT NOW - from those with ready projects, not everyone does need a testimonial service RIGHT NOW.

        You said that you found out there was a market for such service and if you did your research properly then do not get distracted from a low reply rate on such an email. I think that with such a specific service it would be better to let the customers find you, rather than vice-versa because so many stars have to align right for you in order to mail just the right person at just the right time.

        1. 2

          Thank you for your detailed response, @Lyb. I did my research; and I'm convinced there is a market (there are few successful companies in the domain already). I'm now thinking if I should have explore more channels.

          My goal now is to launch my MVP asap and see if people are willing to pay.

      2. 1

        Given that it sounds like there's some friction to the onboarding process (i.e., they have to do the work of putting a widget on their website), maybe you simply caught everyone in a "CBF" moment. If they don't have the time/energy to invest in setting up a widget, that may hold them off responding.

        If this is the case, maybe it would be worth attempting a drip campaign with a similar CTA (signup, I'll onboard you) in each mail. Maintaining some sort of top-of-mind awareness could mean that when they do have the energy/time they might just respond.

        1. 1

          It's only a 2 minute process; and I offered to help them for free. My best guess is that people were not ready to share where they want to use the service. I think the next step for me is to actually show the widget in action and ask people if they'd want it on their sites. Let's see.

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