Ads: Reddit vs Twitter?

I was considering burning some money on advertising to promote one of my apps (a 2 factor authenticator).
I was considering Reddit and Twitter, rather than the classic IG/FB.

Do you think it's a wise choice?
Between Reddit and Twitter what do you suggest?
Is there one better than the other?


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    There's a lot loaded in that question like 1) who is your target audience? 2) what is your goal? (app installs?), 3) how much do you plan on spending? and 4) does the platform match the capabilities you need?

    My gut says Twitter is a good choice if you're looking to target tech workers and get them to install, but not sure how that would work for your product specifically as it should be seen as a test. Twitter has a self service tool to use while I believe Reddit requires you to work with their team and be a managed service, which means they might have minimum spend thresholds you have to hit.

    My suggestion is testing different platforms against each other to get a feel for how it'll work for your marketing needs.

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      Reddit has a self-service platform as well:


      Reddit can work well if there is a community or set of communities that align well with your audience. Go as narrow as possible for the best results.

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