What do designers get out of the Indie Hackers community?

I've been following along with the Indie Hackers podcast, interviews and forum for several years now. I've noticed that the stories are largely technical founders with a sprinkling of other fields or newbie developers starting something up.

I'm also a designer, I post to dribbble, and I keep up with the design community (mostly product design related).

With that being said, what are you as a designer getting out of the Indie Hackers community?

I personally have had some ideas in the design space I've been working on, and I find IH helpful with tips on idea validation, not getting frustrated, understanding the whole process and more. What about you?

What are you as a designer getting out of the Indie Hackers community?
  1. I am a maker, IH has great tips and resources
  2. I am a designer/founder, IH has inspiring stories and great community
  3. I like to support indie startups, and use their products or tools
  4. I like to connect with indie startups to find cool work opportunities
  5. I am interested in the no code movement
  6. I am only here for the stories (podcast/interviews...etc)
  7. Other
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    I joined Indie Hackers to promote myself via an interview. I ended up doing a search in the product section for design products and making connections by commenting on those people's updates. I've forged one really great connection and met a few people I collaborate with as well.

    There's a design-minded community here but you've got to dig for it.

    Also, if I didn't have my Logo Package Express product I would definitely be building a service for hackers to give them actionable feedback on their landing pages. Specifically with regards to copy. Lots of money to be made in that space, my friends.

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      And completely agree about web copy. That brings to mind a question I've had that I think you might have a unique insight into.

      Logo Package Express helps designers with a specific (time consuming and annoying) process that every logo and brand designer goes through. Many tech businesses that sell to other devs seem to fill a similar need - help get ahead in an area.

      Then I see companies like Growth Machine that didn't see a way to sell a product or SaaS in their space, but in some ways productized their services.

      Do you think web copy, and maybe even layout, design and more, will almost always fit into the services category? Or do you think there is a way to take certain creative fields and develop a SaaS in that space? (and to clarify, not tools for designers, but software as a service for the business owners themselves)

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        I think a lot of businesses have tried to productize design. They all end up being some sort of dysfunctional agency. Nobody really seems happy with the work.

        There are only a few things you can productize in design. Templates, fonts, courses on design, and workshops (brand strategy workshop for example.) Once you start talking about delivering custom assets, you're definitely a service.

        My idea for a productized service using the IH audience is basically to import their sales page into Figma, make some design tweaks, give some notes on the copy, and send them a Loom video. I spend a half-hour on it and charge $150 a pop. Just a little side hustle. No revisions, you're paying for my feedback.

        No time to actualize this idea at the moment, but I think there is potential :)

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          Great response. Love the idea. I have a rough similar idea I'm working on for small local businesses, which is why I was curious your thoughts on if something like that could ever be productized. But I'm in the same boat that I don't think there's a great model for it. Thx man

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      Thanks again for sharing your story on your interview. One key takeaway for me - it was great to see both how hard and how effective affiliates are. I'm still suuuuper early on my side project, but I tucked that away for future use.

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    I joined for community and it’s always good to get ideas from others fighting the good fight.

    Also noticed there are plenty of design minded hackers here with various products. Some selling templates, graphics, creative tools, monthly design services, to full fledged CMSs.

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      I agree, there's some great, very design-minded hackers. I also have gotten a lot of value out of the stories of hackers creating tools specifically for designers like @mbrunygroth creating Logo Package Express https://www.indiehackers.com/interview/leaving-a-low-autonomy-design-career-to-build-a-product-business-ed93ce6530. Design seems to be more nuanced however, so these stories can be a bit more few and far between.

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        Thanks for the shoutout!

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    DESIGNERS!!! My people! Good to find you all!

    I'm mostly here to learn about growth and development. I think as designers we can grow a ton from learning other disciples. Also, good luck building a business without both those things (I've tried & failed many times).

    Totally agree with @mbrunygroth, copy is an enormous problem with startups. If people don't know what you do in 15 seconds, they are going to bounce. Definitely a lot of people who could use help with that.

    Loved your comment @PascalAkord! Design is a new perspective many people haven't heard before!

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    Hey, good question/thread!
    I'm a designer and co-founder. I think the fact it's not really a design community is its main appeal to me. And then on the flipside, I think being a designer with product and brand experience gives me the opportunity to contribute something to the community that may not be as readily available as dev and entrepreneurial experience.

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