What % of your accounts is protected with 2FA?

Hello everyone,

I was wondering how many of your accounts (in %) is protected with 2FA (2 Factor Authentication)?

What is the main reason/pain that prevents you from enabling 2FA?


posted to
Application Security
on January 7, 2021
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    70-80% of my accounts are 2FA protected.

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    Every service that supports it, so I guess that means 100%? I personally use 1Password with the browser extension. It also happens to scan in the QR codes and auto-fills the 6 digit OTP, which makes life easier. There's an argument against saving these OTPs in a password manager. 1Pass have a blog article talking about it.

    I'm comfortable with 2FA and it's usage. Currently I'm trying to get comfortable with using a USB hardware security key and keeping the pair of them safe.

    But by and large, I try to integrate as much as I can with the Login with Google since that account uses 2FA via my mobile device as the hardware key. It also means a lot less passwords to manage.

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