Does anyone have experience with Ghost?

More specifically, has anyone done any headless CMS integrations using Ghost?

I'm trying to use Ghost as my backend and call the Ghost content API from a React frontend. So far, that's the easy part, but I also have Membership and I'm not sure how to connect to that.

I understand there's a Ghost Members API, but it's not publicly documented, so the endpoints are not publicly known.

If anyone's done something like that, how did you manage it?


  1. 2

    I think the problem is that the membership feature is still in experimental phase, so it will be subject to changes. So even if you reverse eng the api you will probably need to check it in each release/ update because they can break your integration everytime..

    In any case I would start looking at the tests they have https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/blob/master/test/api-acceptance/admin/members_spec.js

    1. 1

      Good idea! Thanks!

  2. 2

    Hi I don't have experience of using Ghost as a headless CMS. But you can try ghost Gatsby starter template as a starting point


    1. 1

      Unfortunately, that one doesn't include the Ghost Membership functionality. :/

  3. 1

    I haven't tried yet but I suggest you should try this https://github.com/TryGhost/gatsby-starter-ghost

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