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Public Debate - Funding via debt, equity or both?

In light of this recent article on the YC Deal

In reality, do founders really think about dilution in the early stages? Unless you're a second time founder who has been burned, it seems like many founders would take the equity check and worry about dilution later.

On the flip side, is debt funding a scary prospect in the early, unknown stages?

Full disclosure, I'm working on a hybrid funding solution, so I am trying to better understand how more founders think about raising capital

  1. 1

    Curious to hear how you deliver the hybrid funding solution. I am always interested to feature stories and alternative investment mechanisms to my readers on VenturesList

    It is difficult to draw a line on things such as dilution and debt. It depends on the stage of the company and the needs of the founder at that moment.

    However, founders should pay extra attention to understand the impact of each investment move. At the same time, investors like us have a responsibility to educate founders. @Will_Stringer

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