A tech angel investor shares her returns publicly

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    And she does it while keeping a low profile. Love it

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    Thanks for sharing! 150+ startups is impressive.

    P.S. You may want to change the title to "her" instead of "his" returns. :)

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      Updated, good catch!

  3. 2

    Very interesting, great to see this kind of transparency from people. It's the best way to teach others.

  4. 2

    Interesting article. I'm interested that the bulk of the return is mostly in unrealised returns comprising the IRR at huge multiples vs a realised multiple of 0.61. Hopefully can see a high multiple exit.

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      It takes 10 years to liquidate these positions.... but after five or six you have a good idea directionally how you did.

      The good news is SPACs and the secondary market are making it easier for angels who want liquidity to sell.

      I think her biggest hit will be Calm.com -- which she did via my syndicate (thesyndicate.com) :-)

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