Uncertain path

Hello indies,

I found a way to transfer knowledge from my industry to one that has only 1 small competitor (5 years old) and many big indirect competitors (i will use an algorithm that has not been exploited in that domain yet).

My problem is that I am not working in the said industry so I am not fully aquinted to it, and I am not an expert in the domain either, I just think (with validation from the competition) that there is a market fit. Is it a terrible idea to navigate those waters? I am solo by the way, no cofounders in that industry/domain either.

Thanks for any input on this, it's giving me cold feet!!

  1. 1

    No, not a terrible idea at all. Most businesses start from a hunch. The hard part now is getting 20 people to do customer interviews to understand if you're on the right track.

    1. 1

      Hmm good point, but what about the company that already has a similar prduct and 5 years doing business? By the time I launch theyll be 7 years in with a more complete platform, isnt that a killer?

      1. 1

        If you tell me any tech platform in the world, I’ll likely give you at least 1-2 others that successfully compete. The hard part is getting those customer interviews.

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