Scared of money

I've been hacking on Roguelike Browser Boilerplate non-stop. I've had some really great feedback from people testing it, and I'm in the home stretch now fixing and polishing the last bits and pieces.

But something has been bothering me about this project and I couldn't figure out what it was. Something is making me really worried about releasing it.

I'm no stranger to launching. I've got projects with hundreds of GitHub stars and I've product hunted stuff, and been on the front page of HN, but for some reason this time is different. Then I figured out what it is.

What's different is this time it's a paid product.

I'm scared of the money because payment up front means accountability and expectations. When I got feedback on how to price this I was alarmed by the answers. They were much higher than I expected. Looking at what I have created I am getting hardcore imposter syndrome at the idea of somebody buying this and finding out the horrible truth, that it was made by just some guy on the internet. 😱

Of course, there is only one solution: keep going.

  1. 4

    You can set even for yourself an easy refund policy to stay humble

    1. 1

      It's a good idea and I put a note at the bottom of the landing page to say this too.

  2. 2

    I feel this sentiment. Great job though! This looks great and I don't feel uncomfortable with the price I can see on the site atm (though I think it's on sale).

  3. 1

    finding out the horrible truth, that it was made by just some guy on the internet

    That's most of the internet. Made by normal people, just like us.

    Turns out, that's most of businesses too. Run by normal people, just like us.

    My fav trick for when you get stuck in your own head like this is to spend time in your audience or customers head instead. Focus on their lives and problems more than your own.

    If you focus on them, they won't care that you're "just some guy on the internet" because youre a guy on the internet who helped them.

    1. 1

      Good idea. Looking at it from someone else's point of view is almost always a good idea.

  4. 1

    I think it’s going to do the opposite: motivate 🔥

    I know how hard it is to stay focused and motivated on a Project, let alone one in gaming. So knowing people care enough to spend money will keep the spark inside alive.

    Having worked on both games that make no money and games that make a lot, the latter is way better.

    A) As an indie, it’ll give you freedom to keep being indie. 😎

    B) Gives you an audience, you can use for feedback, etc. Also, they will likely follow you to new projects. 🕴🏽

    C) You will grow as a game developer, and professional, because it’ll push you out of your comfort zone. 🧗‍♀️

    Don’t underestimate what you’re capable of and what your time is worth.

    Good luck!

    1. 1

      Thanks for your support!

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