Do you create landing pages for your Gumroad products?


I'm planning to build multiple Django/Python templates and release them as Gumroad products. So wanted to check what everyone else here does.

Do you create separate landing pages for your products? Or do you just send your Gumroad link to your prospective users? Which is more effective?

Whats your process of releasing a Gumroad product?


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    It's a question I've been debating and making pro/cons notes for over the past 18 months Awin. There are so many different use-cases and no ways one set answer.

    My big takeaway is if you want the quickest form of validation, spin up a Gumroad product page before investing the time a Landing Page.

    BUT strongly consider using your own domain for your marketing with a redirect to the Gumroad page. I have done this on robhope.com/ebook which I plan to "switch out" once I'm happy with my Landing Page. Even if you stay with GR, you control your distributed links.

    As @dvassallo said in the comments, it absolutely works and works well. My GR product page works great for my Ebook. So why fix what's not broken? If you feel comfortable sending all traffic to GR, then 100% do it. I just feel more comfortable sending my traffic to my own page on my own down. I've been burnt in the past doing this in different categories of online business and it's always how I plan to roll going forward.

    To GR credit, they recently added social proof with realtime sales counts and I'm even getting sales in their Discovery section.

    To the LP credit, you'll have more control of the design, be able to integrate clever in-page demos that wow, and offer better pricing options. eg. in the same LP you can kick off a once-off lifetime payment or a small monthly subscription. Something not available in GR (yet).

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      Without a landing page I feel there is something "missing" - maybe its the developer in me saying - go code that landing page.

      I think it will work well for ebooks without a landing page, but I still see people creating one anyway - for example @gill_works with https://makerminions.com/. But I have not seen many non-ebook products without a landing page.

      Love the pre-order feature in GR, and that is the plan for now - to see what works and then decide on converting it to a separate landing page on its own or not.

      Btw, love the examples in the clever in-page demos.

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        Glad you enjoyed the in-page demos, was fun curating! All the best with your templates Awin!

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    I haven’t thought of it yet. But I think it is fine to directly send shop link to the users.

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    I sold over $380,000 since 2020 using just the default Gumroad landing page. It certainly works, so why bother with something else? And many buyers are now accustomed to Gumroad's layout, so it feels familiar. I also don't remove the Gumroad branding, even though I have the option to.

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      Thanks for your input @dvassallo. Maybe I should try the easier route first - just creating gumroad links and see how it goes.

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