Tactics For Getting Browser Extension Reviews

When it comes to browser extensions, positive reviews are critical whether a user will decide to install your extension. As the creator of the extension, if you are not actively asking users for reviews, you most likely will only get negative reviews. Most people are only motivated to leave reviews when they are upset or have had a negative experience.

In 2018, my Weather Extension was spammed with thousands of 1-star reviews. I immediately saw a decrease in installs when my extensions rating dropped. Since then, I have been improving the reviews, and I am close to getting it back to 4 stars. Feel free to leave me a review :). Here are some of my tips for increasing your extension reviews.

Smart URL Redirects

If your extension works in multiple browsers, you should use a service such as T.LY to create Smart URLs that redirect users depending on their browser to the correct web store. This will allow you to redirect users to whatever browser they are using, such as Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Edge, or Safari. This increases the chance they end up in the correct browser web store. For my Link Shortener Extension, I use this URL to automatically redirect users to the correct location: https://t.ly/review.

Give Away Free Upgrades

Giving away free upgrades is another excellent way to reward users for reviews. My Weather Extension has a free pro upgrade if users leave a review. This is a great way to motivate users to take the time to leave a review.

Review Landing Page

From within your extension, link to a landing page and ask them to rate the extension 1-5 stars. If they rate 1-3 stars, take them to a contact form so you can help work with them on the issue they are facing. If they rate the extension 4-5 stars, redirect the user to the web store to leave a review.

What are some of your tactics for asking users for reviews?

  1. 2

    If they rate 1-3 stars, take them to a contact form so you can help work with them on the issue they are facing. If they rate the extension 4-5 stars, redirect the user to the web store to leave a review.

    Never thought of this tactic, I love it!

    I'm thinking about this strategy for my extension. Thinking about keeping it as a subtle option for now and iterating to see what works best

    1. 2

      Sounds like a good plan. Early feedback is super valuable.

  2. 2

    I've tested a bunch of ways. Most productive -- that is the type of a nag that resulted in most reviews -- was also the most disruptive. Basically, the user has to take an action to continue their default flow in my addon.

    I have pulled back from being very aggressive, at the moment, I use 2 types of nags that begin showing up a day post-install and post-single use of the addon -- the more aggressive one disables the main "actions" of the addon until you dismiss it and its shown randomly when the user interacts with the main pop-up. The other bag is basically a footer on all real estate the addon owns. Both nags are removed when a review action has been taken.

    1. 1

      Thanks for sharing! Curious if you have a way to verify they actually left a review or just clicked the link?

      1. 1

        Yeah, there is not a way to verify, so a click is generally what I watch for

        1. 1

          Ok I was hoping you had a way to know if they left a review. Thanks!

  3. 1

    I thought that the landing page extension by low vs. higher rates is a great idea. I'm going to use this on our extension! https://www.joinhousemoney.com/

  4. 1

    The great article! It is useful!
    I use similar tactics. I show a rating popup directly on YouTube for free users after 7 days of installing and if they have created groups. I get 80-90% 5 stars from users then I redirect to the store(depending on the browser). Next, the conversion rate is approximately 3-5% in review.
    Also, I added chrome context menus on the right button 'Rate me', but it has a low click rate.

    1. 2

      Thanks! Waiting a couple of days before asking for a review is a great idea.

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