Finding additional Django help

Hi there,

Was wondering what are the best places to find professional Django developers? Covid restrictions have made it really difficult to find people at meetups or coworking spaces.

My site is almost complete and is already running on Heroku. The problem is I’m unsure about a few specific things around actually managing a live Django site.

It would be amazing if I could find someone who has run a Django site as a solo developer.

I’m a Product Design contractor myself (with 10+ years experience) and would want to pay for their time and/or do design work in return.

Are any of these going to be more or less useful to reach out to?
• Meetup groups (e.g. Django London, Django Girls)
• Freelance websites (e.g. Upwork)
• Social networks (e.g. Twitter, LinkedIn)


  1. 1

    well, it is pretty late but if you needed any help in future, let me know. I will help you to maintain your Django website

  2. 1

    I used to create Django-based web apps for living and in the last years I mainly do server infrastructure, so I might be able to help. Feel free to get in touch through my profile!

  3. 1

    https://lemon.io/ seems to be pretty popular.

    I think it is a mix of all of the above.

    1. 1

      Thanks Volkan, looks great! That website mentions codementors as well, they look good too.

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