2-minute product demo video. Would love feedback!

Hi everyone! I just finished up a product demo video for my app. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5fsU0X8tf8&t=15s

Somehow this was harder than expected! I wanted it to be informal, but informative. Curious what impressions some fresh sets of eyes have on it.

  • Do you understand the value of the product after watching?
  • Is the "polish" level an awkward in-between of informal (me in my home office) and produced (background music)?
  • What would make this more impactful?
posted to
on September 20, 2023
  1. 2

    I think the demo was very good! nice work ;) I got a good idea what the product solves. I like the hints and zoom ins on the video those help explain what you are talking about on the screen.

    Also the length was good, not too much but enough to go into some details

  2. 1

    I liked the video, i was able to understand what the product does. However, it can be a bit shorter ( maybe like 1min) and less human face and more movement, as movement tends to hold attention better. Take a look at this hotjar product demo at www.hotjar

  3. 1

    Hi @just2syllables

    Good easy to understand video. Just some minor feedback based on our experience on putting the video on landing page.

    The zoom in really helps maybe add a little bit of zoom in on the AI generated details page as I had to squint my eyes to get that.

    We found that if a user comes to your landing page they want to see the key features right away. We used to have a video with voice over but we replaced it with a 1 minute video without voice over. It great to share in outreach conversations as you can just go "here's a 1 minute demo of my product" This video assumes the user has some understanding of the problem space. You can use both videos based on the interactions you are having.

    TBH we struggled to keep it under 1 minute but we iterated multiple times and finally found a way to keep it under 1 minute.

    1. 1

      Yes, keeping it short is a REAL struggle! I love the idea of just showing the key features without the storytelling as another approach, though.

      Do you mind sharing the video you're referencing? I'd love to see an example of what you're referring to.

  4. 1

    I liked the genuine product demo with a real human and not an ai voice - it makes the product seem way more genuine and you are also a perfect customer for your product so your audience will resonate with you! One thing to say is that I think you could maybe work on your presentation skills so you aren't just reading off a script that is below the camera. Hope this helps!

  5. 1

    I very much like the friendly and personal tone. 👍

    I have three points to add:

    • The notes example at the start was a bit confounding to me. Took me two watches to understand why you have that open. Imho it would be much better to simply capture the document with the camera from the app itself.

    • I think the video is a tad too long. I think it needs less examples but more emphasis on why it's valuable to have the AI parse everything. What concrete cases are there where it's a big boon.

    • Imho it would help of a lot if you were looking directly into the camera. And maybe smile a bit more. Not like some corporate commercial though, just a little more I guess. I have no doubt recording is stressful, so I wouldn't be surprised if it takes a lot of takes.

    1. 1

      Thanks so much, @Zolo. These points ALL resonate with me. I worried about the Notes bit too. I wanted to emphasize how easy it is to send to LAMA, but to be in a different app completely, outside of the app I'm demoing, can definitely be disorienting. I can likely just mention the email method of getting files into LAMA, save some of the confusion, and focus more on the AI which we hypothesize will be the a-ha moment for folks.

      I've gotten a lot of comments about looking directly into the camera. Definitely need to practice that. And I was probably trying too hard to keep it non-salesy, but seems like I swung a little too hard the other direction.

  6. 1

    I enjoyed the video and will look to replicate the flow and tone when it comes time for me to create it.

    One thing I was hoping would be a talking point was around data and information security. There is a lot of information on my daughter’s pediatric bill and I am trying to be more conscience of who has access to that kind of information.

    Great job and looking forward to seeing more!

    1. 1

      Yep, data and security is definitely a huge focus of ours, for the exact reasons you describe! I went back and forth on addressing it in this video. We have an entire page on the site, and a feedback form for further questions. Of course we'll continue to monitor feedback like this and whether it becomes a larger barrier to entry.

  7. 1

    For me, this falls into the category "good enough" ... but has several important areas that need to be improved to take it up a notch.

    I'll start with this - solid demo content. It is hard to get the balance right for amount of feature coverage and depth of description, but I think you pretty much nailed it on this point. Certainly, as ever, room to improve here... but well above average for an early attempt.

    You expressed concern over style; but I think the underlying problem you already recognize is that the intro/close needs to be revised - they function but do not perform. Face expression is important if you're showing a face, and the audience is not getting what it has come to expect in this regard with a motionless, emotionless, manga-eyed presentation. I would try keeping the informality and actually, step it up a notch. Back off the face and show an upper body shot with the actor holding a phone, using the other hand and phone to gesture together. Perhaps at a dining room table, with documents spread out in front - for example.

    Too many areas to dig into for the main portion of the demo, some good feedback from others so far... So, just one broad point: provide some idea of the "number" of big ideas, features, or topics you're going to cover. This is a content suggestion in the architectural direction and there is certainly room to swing in that sense - a lot more to discuss just within this area. However, letting the audience know what to expect in a good demo is essential in my opinion. The approach, style, details, direction and more, all differ in this big wide world of content - but do make sure to "tell 'em what you're gonna tell 'em".

    Lastly, voice control. There are times that the actor seems to sound almost bored... be careful, this will convey a subtle unintended and undesirable message that the audience will pick up.

    These aren't the only tips or feedback that I have, but the ones I expect can have the most lasting and helpful effect for you moving forward. Hopeful that others will find them helpful as well. I would be happy to connect to discuss your project further, and I have a few questions that might be worth some time together.

    PLEASE NOTE: I use the term "actor" but I know you are the founder... this is because even as you direct others, it is often helpful to direct oneself in the third person as well. You may, in fact, choose to delegate or appoint another person to the role at a point in the future and it helps not to personalize feedback - ay, even criticism - that isn't personal. Finally, when documents are reviewed at a later point the benefit to others becomes more readily evident to consumers of that information in their own context, which could help the company ever more...

    1. 1

      Thanks so much for such thorough feedback.

      provide some idea of the "number" of big ideas, features, or topics you're going to cover.

      I love this. Staying concise while still "showing off" all the things is a challenge here. But this also made me think that sections/chapters and links to each in the description would be another way to get away with showing more and therefore having a longer video.

  8. 1

    It seems you're reading text below the camera. A basic teleprompter (DIY also) can help, especially at this zoom level. Good start, keep improving!

  9. 1

    On the content side it is awesome! You nailed the informal tone and I got the main value proposition without feeling that I'm being sold.

    On the video production side, there are a few minor tweaks that could make your demo even easier to follow, such as lowering the camera height slightly so that it is leveled with your eyes, aligning it so that you are in the middle of the frame (currently you're slightly to the left), and making the zoom-ins and outs smoother. I don't know which editing software you use but usually this technique is called keyframe easing.

    Again, awesome demo and good luck with LAMA!

    1. 1

      Thanks @ImperiusSamuel! I also was worried about the zooming in and out being too jarring. I'm using screenstudio, and I have it set to the slowest zoom speed, but I can still probably make more tweaks to smooth it out a bit.

  10. 1

    Well , it was a good demo..
    But i would like you to zoom into the screen when you stared describing the ai part and all the tagging ,

    As it is a bit difficult to see those when viewed in a portrait mode

    1. 1

      Ah, you're right! That was one place I didn't zoom in, and is arguably the most detailed. Easy fix. Thank you!

  11. 1

    it was great. Polish level is fine. If you are concerned about informal-formal part than may be you can edit the informal part keeping the voice with some introductory slide.

    1. 1

      Agreed. I think at the very least I can shorten the intro for sure.

  12. 1

    Video demos are hard and I think you nailed it. It's clear, interesting and get the value proposition across almost immediately.

    Nice job!

  13. 1

    I thought it was a great product demo, and I liked that the setting was a little more informal as oppose to a super corporate one.

    I did get a good sense of the product by you going through the example of setting up a bill and the other file saving feature of your Christmas card. At first I thought it was just a bill organizer, but the other example did lament the fact there is another capability to save important files.

    The only thing I would have liked to see is maybe how you got your LAMA email which you sent your scan to (although you briefly mentioned how to get there).

    1. 1

      Great points. Thanks so much @fitworkoutroutine1. Interesting to hear that it seemed like it might only be for bills. I can do a better job explaining/showing that it's for every little life use-case you can imagine... taxes, kiddo keepsakes, identification, remodeling invoices, etc. It's challenging to keep it concise and engaging and also try to share all the use-cases.

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