20 AI tools you could use as a Founder

Hi mates,

In my last newsletter post, I talked with a Data Scientist and AI expert who shared a list of great tools you could use as a startup founder.

Here it is:

🔨 For your daily tasks:

Mem.ai – AI knowledge assistant.
▸ Getodin – an advanced ChatGPT alternative that will do the work for you.
▸ Lavender – sales email coach & personalization assistant.
Otter.ai – a tool that will make notes while you speak in meetings.
Browse.ai– easy way to extract and monitor data from any website.
▸ Tome – building storytelling presentations with the help of AI.
▸ Spellbook – create contracts, human resource documents, NDAs, etc.
▸ ScribeHow – makes a step-by-step visual guide of your process.

🤝 For teamwork:

▸ Notion AI – for your team’s virtual HQs and to generate content, generate new ideas.
▸ Slack AI – helping to communicate in a faster and smarter way.
▸ Box AI – will make your organizational files more valuable and useful. (Mainly for enterprise).

💻 Marketing/content creation:

▸ ChatGPT – a no brainer. :)
▸ Midjourney – create visuals with a few steps.
▸ Runway – helps to convert text/story into video or image.
Jasper.ai – a great tool for copywriting.
Copy.ai – helps generate blogs, product descriptions, sales emails, and more.
▸ RYTR – AI assistant for emails.
▸ Quillbot – AI-powered paraphrasing tool.
▸ Mind-video – from thoughts to videos.
▸ Watermarkremover – remove watermarks for your images.

If you're interested to get more resources that could be beneficial for your business, I'm adding the link to the Exponential Founder newsletter.

posted to Icon for group Tools
on June 11, 2023
  1. 1

    Nice list, thank you!

  2. 1

    Great list. Bookmarked!

    Also, a lot of business owners use Mokkup.ai to create high fidelity dashboard wireframes in under 30 mins!

  3. 2

    Fantastic toolkit! 🚀 ChatGPT and Runway are already on my radar, but discovered some new gems like Memai and ScribeHow. Thanks for this insightful overview! ✨

    1. 1

      Thanks mate! Glad you liked it and hopefully these tools will get you even more productive.

  4. 1

    jasper is the best.

  5. 1

    I would also like to suggest adding the "ChatGPT LinkedIn Email Generator" to the list for sales and marketing professionals. This extension tool generates hyper-personalized emails based on the LinkedIn profile page of potential business prospects. Have a look: https://bit.ly/440nYjO

    1. 2

      That's interesting. Thanks for sharing!

      1. 1

        Glad you liked it 😊! Let me know your thoughts and feedback on the tool.

  6. 1

    ChatGPT - for creating conversational chatbots and automating customer support.
    TensorFlow - for developing and training neural networks.
    Amazon Rekognition - for image analysis and recognition.
    IBM Watson - for creating various solutions based on artificial intelligence.
    Google Cloud AutoML - for creating your own machine learning models without the need for deep programming knowledge.
    Salesforce Einstein - to improve the data experience and provide personalized recommendations to customers.
    OpenAI Gym - for the development and testing of machine learning algorithms in the field of control and robotics.
    Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services - for text, speech and video analysis.

    1. 1

      What a great list! Which tool is your must-have?

  7. 1

    I can also recommend:
    Fireflies ai (alternastive to Otter)
    Merlin (ChatGPT-based Chrome extension that does great job so far)
    Perplexity ai
    Wordtune (paraphrasing)

  8. 1

    also scalesleek for seo

    1. 1

      Looks interesting. Does it serve as an assistant?

      1. 1

        Yes, you can select a team of different AI assistants. Works as a Chrome extension but also available as a web version. You can select up to 4 assistants for free and use it with your own OpenAI API key, so feel free to just try it out! :)

  9. 1

    I think you should add codewhisper and github copilot for the tech founders. Honestly, rather than toil away at some function, I've found copilot pretty useful for boilerplate or first drafts of involved business logic. definitely has saved me alot of time.

    1. 1

      Haven't checked those. Will deep into it. Thanks for sharing!

  10. 1

    That is very helpful, for me currently as a founder I only use Notion AI

    1. 1

      Thanks for the feedback. The full article is here: https://exponentialfounder.substack.com/p/ai-and-startups

      I plan to share more similar content in the future in my newsletter.

  11. 1

    I'm currently pulling together a Slackbot that performs data analysis, creates data pipelines, and other data engineering-related tasts. It's just a fun side project but curious if it'd be useful for startup founders who don't have the means to hire expensive data engineers at the get-go.

    1. 2

      Nice, sounds really cool! Let us know how it will work!

  12. 1

    Why Spend $30-$60 on copy ai when you can get all use-case for FREE at https://scripai.com/

    1. 2

      There is no free food, haha. Where is the catch?

      1. 1

        users see google ads on page, that pay the openAI api bills :) but for users it's truly FREE!

        Try it: https://scripai.com/tiktok-hashtag

  13. 1

    With the tools, there are many apps that are easy to use in any field I would suggest checking out these Best Ai Apps: https://bit.ly/3JUORfS

  14. 1

    I would also propose adding writesonic for large scale content creation

    1. 1

      Thanks for sharing! Will check it out.

  15. 0

    I wonder, did you check the list yourself before posting?

    http://odin.ai/ for example is an empty domain, no SSL and nothing on it, just a bought and apparently unused domain. It's always nice to vet lists before posting them as useful.

    1. 1

      Of course I did. I’m using this tool by myself. It’s just not the right domain.

      Here it is: https://getodin.ai/

      1. 2

        Great, maybe also update the link in the post..

  16. 0

    Here is my newsletter about startups & entrepreneurship.


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