2000 people per day are playing Rogule

A few weeks ago my daily roguelike game Rogule ended up on the front page of Hacker News and got tweeted by the GitHub account on Twitter.

Even though I made Rogule more than a year ago I never really publicised it widely. It was only a month ago that I decided to post it on /r/webgames and it got picked up and snowballed. Now multiple sites and blogs like Japanese variety site Gigazine have shared it.

The result was a spike of 19,000 players in one day at the peak. This is truly humbling. No more than a few thousand people have played all of my other games put together. My little one-minute-per-day roguelike game has settled down into a groove of around 2,000 players per day.

So, Indie Hackers, if you had a game that 2,000 people played for one minute per day what would you do with it?

  1. 1

    First of all, Congrats Chris!! I remember your Roguelike boilerplate project from years ago :)

    You're getting lots of traffic and that's awesome. The first thing I would do is start collecting emails and you've got the perfect hook!

    Enter your email to get notified about the next rogule

    Don't ask for an email to start playing. The simplicity of clicking the "Play it now" button is great. But asking for an email at the end of the game should work well. It's an opt-in to receive an email when the next round starts. It should boost engagement.

    Of course, you'll have to implement some sort of backend function to actually trigger the notification, but I'm sure you can figure that out.

    Once you have an email list, you can figure out how to monetize it later.

    1. 1

      Hey good to hear from you. Funnily enough I have had that feature request a few times so I was going to build it anyway due that reason. I'll also add the ability to persist your scores to the server etc. Thanks for the feedback!

      1. 1

        You're welcome. I haven't made a game in ages but this kinda stuff is really inspiring. I might have a play around this weekend.

  2. 1

    Good day Chris

    I briefly played the game and I loved its simplicity.

    Also followed you. Gaming is something that I am passionate about.

    I am working to launch a Gaming related Newsletter.

    1. 1

      Thanks for playing!

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