Adsense rejection


I am currently facing a problem in being accepted in the Adsense programme.

I had one account well and live, but because I am not living in the country where I initially opened it, it was hard for me to transfer the bucks (needed a local bank), I closed it down and tried to open a new one. However, I am being rejected, and I cannot understand the reasons for it, despite being active before. Even tried to reactivate the old one since they provided such an option, but no luck either.

Does anyone have any experience with being rejected by Adsense? What steps did you take to solve it? I would love to hear your ideas.

This is the trouble maker -> https://statiunibalneare.com/

Appreciate any tips!

  1. 1

    Hello, Victor.

    I hope everything is going well for you. I understand how it feels when Google rejects your AdSense application, but it's all part of the business. I've discovered some strategies for approving AdSense on any website that is properly optimized. My findings are as follows:

    1. Your website should be appropriately structured and theme-customized.

    2. Index all of your posts in the search console.

    3. Websites with more than 30 articles and copyright-free photographs in all of them perform better.

    Apply it again and I hope after this implementation, it will be approved within two weeks. For more information about Google AdSense and other ad programs, visit this website: https://picsartapks.com/picsart-pro-mod-apk/

  2. 1

    Hey, let me know which AdSense rejection are you facing? If you are facing low value content you should follow these steps:

    1: You have 30+ posts on your website with non-copyright images.
    2: Do proper Customization with Grace News theme.
    3: Index your all articles in webmaster tool.

    Apply it again for more details you can watch my approval trick video: https://youtu.be/4S0XrtWTeKs

  3. 1

    Hi Victor!
    Which kind of ads (topics) would you like to have on your website?

    1. 1

      Mostly travel and health related.

  4. 1

    I rejected by Adsense thrice before my site was approved—did they tell you why you were rejected? Also, do note that you can only have one account per publisher.

    There are two things I noticed on your site:

    It doesn't have an About Us and Privacy Policy page. Make sure to add both of these (on the footer) to increase your chances of getting accepted.

    A different person will review your site each time, so getting accepted might be based on luck as well.

    1. 1

      Tried your suggestion, got ejected nevertheless - so must be something else :shrug
      I keep digging

    2. 1

      Interesting. Will add that, and see how it goes.

      Thanks for the tip @notlhw!

  5. 1

    I don't think it is a content problem. You might want to just email to people at Google Adsense about the older accounts.

    1. 1

      How would you do that? Because form the way I see it, you can contact them only if you have a special business relationship. High volume website sort of. Small niche projects have to rely on documentation and communities instead, which do not have the answers all the time unfortunately

        1. 1

          didn't think of that. will try

  6. 1

    Hi, Is this website being rejected in Adsense or are you unable to get a new Adsense account?

      1. 1

        If you need Adsense account, create a blogger.com blog, add some good content and apply for Adsense using their internal application. This will get approved faster and with ease.

        1. 1

          I have quite a significant bunch of users visiting it daily and don't want to sod it up somehow. Although, for new projects, this is a quite intriguing idea .

          1. 1

            Use Blogger's Blog just for getting an Adsense account approved. Once it's Approved you can add any websites in that. Worth Trying...

  7. 1

    This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

    1. 1

      Sorry to hear that. It didn't happen to me though. I clicked quite often to check the functionality of it, but never banned.

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