Quick market overview of TypeScript

Have you ever heard of Airbnb, Slack, or Bitpanda? I bet you do! One of the things that they have in common is the realization of the benefits of TypeScript. That's because the coding of low quality leads to constant refactoring and fighting technical debt, followed by increasing spending for product development. And that's one of the reasons why the fight for TypeScript software engineers has intensified worldwide.

What is TypeScript? TypeScript, as an open-source programming language, became public in October 2012 and began its ascent in 2017. It was the fourth most popular programming language in 2021. GitHub statistics say it's in the 4th place among the most popular programming languages.

Quick overview of TypeScript

  • Technologically advanced U.S.: 32,767 vacancies on LinkedIn, 17,684 job openings on Indeed.
  • Evolving European Union: 24,200 jobs on LinkedIn.
  • Startup booming Singapore: 1,874 in total for a region with the smallest population.

Who are TypeScript developers? TypeScript developers are those who are not lazy to add several additional code lines to a web or mobile application that will stand to benefit in the future, eliminating efforts to fix bugs. In this article, we will go through the benefits of TypeScript professionals and places to find the best and most affordable ones:


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