Work with me - a 25 Minutes Pomodoro Video Session

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    Need to get some work done? Let's be productive together!

    You can use this video as a timer for your Pomodoro sessions.

    The idea behind the Pomodoro sessions is to separate your tasks into small 25 minute blocks and take 5-minute breaks after each session.

    Here's how my sessions usually go:

    1. I make a to-do list for the day. In the base case scenario, each task in the to-do list is not longer than 25-30 minutes
    2. I then choose a single task
    3. After that I start a 25-minute timer or lay the video
    4. For those 25 minutes, I only focus on that one specific task
    5. After the 25 minutes are over I would take a 5-minute break
    6. Then after the break I would start a new 25-minute session by replying the video

    Let me know what tools or methods you use to be more productive.

    In this 25 minute session, I'm working on a new tutorial on the https://devdojo.com site.

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      I love doing promodoro as well when I'm onto challenging tasks.

      One thing I started also doing is kinda "rewarding" brain after each 25 min session - so I get used to it.

      I made 10 paper balls and I have them on the left side of a table. After each 25-min promodoro session I move one paper ball to the right until I have them there all.

      Then I get dopamine because of a simple accomplishment like this. In long-term it's truly amazing since you will trick your brain to get more stuff done.

      btw. love the jazz music in the video :)

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        This is a really cool idea!

        What got me really into Pomodoro sessions was this lecture here by Marty Lobdell called "Study Less Study Smart":


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          Cool I will check it out :)

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            It's quite long, if you don't feel like watching the whole thing, here is a very good 6 minutes summary instead:


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