Hi freelance friends! Here's how to never chase an invoice, ever again... and support a fellow indie hacker, all at the same time :)

Hi there, fellow freelancers!

Long story short: I had a freelance client who never paid, and I had other clients who always paid, but always paid late. I felt like chasing invoices was frustrating and frankly unfair, and thought there had to be a better way... so I got a team together, and we built it. 💪

The result is Ditto - a payment platform purpose-built for project-based work.

(Here's a video that just shows the product -- both the freelancer experience and the client experience -- in case you don't want to sign up to see it.)

I'd be super grateful if you'd check it out! Any and all feedback would be appreciated. We're in the early stages and trying to make this vision a reality.

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